Layout #1 - Black and dark red tables layout with a picture from Vampire Princess Miyu. It's simple, but I love it so.

Layout #2 - Light green and white tables layout with a picture from Ayashi no Ceres. I'm not too happy with this one, but it's alright.

Layout #3 - Red and white tables layout with a picture from Ayashi no Ceres.

Layout #4 - Black and green tables layout with a picture from Clover. I like this layout a lot, because it's the first one where I experimented with tables more.

Layout #5 - Purplish Red tables layout with a picture from X. It's really pretty and nice, uses a fixed background.Takes a little while to load background.

Layout #6 - Blue and white amazingly beautiful and airy div layout thats easy to use. It's really pretty, but it takes a little while to load background.

Layout #7 - Black and white depressed but elegant div layout with an image from Saiyuki

Layout #8 - Div layout with a picture of 'bad-ass' Angel Sanctuary boys. Simple but nice. *Note* I finally installed a graphics program, so I can fade and add effects to my images ^.^

Layout #9 - Orange and white simple tables layout with a very kawaii image from Ohayo!Spunk

Layout #10 - Grayish blue div layout with a depressed picture from Serial Experiments Lain (aren't they all?)

Layout #11 - Red and white simple tables and div layout with a picture from Ayashi no Ceres.

Layout #12 - My first pop up layout! A black and white pop up layout with an image from Angel Sanctuary.

Layout #13 - Simple blue and gray pop up layout with a picture from Chrono Cross. This is my first layout that does not have a manga picture - Chrono Cross is a videogame.

Layout #14 - Purple and white tables/div layout with a picture from Excel Saga. Rich, simple, and cute.

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