Welcome Zoe
Grandparenting Links
Foundation For Grandparenting
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Let's talk "Grand Kids"
Grandparenting Factsheet
Parents Place
Suggested Reading
"Creative Grandparenting Across the Miles" by Paricia L. Fry
"Ideas for sharing Love, Faith&Family Traditions"
by Patricia L. Fry
Buy Books Online:
"From Grandma With Love" A Legacy of Values.
Edited by Tonmi Thomas
"The Nanas and the Papas"
by Kathryn&Allan Zullo
Published by Andrew Mc Meel
"The 12 Rules of Grandparenting"
by Susan Kettman M.S.E.D.
AARP Grandparenting Survey
The ABCs of Grandparenting
The Grandparenting Page
Creative Grandparenting
Grand-Parents Universal helps you define and embrace the joys of grandparenting: what has been, what is and what will be.  Start your journey now!  Span the generation bridge and enjoy the wonderful world of  GRAND-Parenting.

Join up now and become a member of the universe's newest and best organization for  grandparents.
Grand-Parents Universal
This is my first grandchild born October 7, 2000 at 5:01 am..  She weighed 7 lbs and measured 19 3/4 inches at birth.  Her name is Zoe (which means life) and Elizabeth (consecrated to God).

I am Josiane, the proud Nena.  My second grandchild is on the way.  My son and his wife are due any day.  I will update.

Please sign my brag book (message board below) and share your grandparenting stories.
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