Caution! Upon entering this site:
You will either: Laugh histerically, say "hmmmmm, interesting" or be thoroughly offended, read on at your own risk!

   This site is dedicated to my rants about politics,people,the economy, the world,myself,  what I had for breakfast, the possiblity of life on mars, and basically whatever  I feel like talking about. If you dont like me, sweet. If you disagree with my opinions, awesome. But please do not send hate mail, thats just not nice. the thoughts, ideas, opinions, and mindless babble on these pages while incredibly interesting, is not always politically correct,polite or even read-able, but never the less they are MINE. Feel free to quote me at the watercooler when you are explaining why you are having a bad day, but please dont claim my ideas are yours. If you do thats cool, you suck and you will die a terrible terrible death at the age of 103, alone and miserable..

I on the other hand will be using lots of stolen quotes  from other smart people I admire and aspire to be like.

   Thats not fair you say? Well too bad, lifes just not fair sometimes. Oh yea, and I just happen to say "copyright 2004, Jon Hilliker" at the end of every sentence. Sometimes its annoying and my girlfriend refuses to talk to me when I do that, but IT WORKS. No one has ever stolen my ideas. Except for that whole velcro thing....and post-its.....

   I encourage everyone who visits my site to read everything and believe nothing.Decide for yourself if what I say is true or not....actualky, i really dont care what you think, I was just trying to be "deepand philosophical".....jeeze, are you still reading this? dude, if you havent clicked on a link yet or said "ooh look, a cool pop-up window" then you are way too serious about visiting this site. Please leave, only people with attention spans of 1-3 minutes are allowed. Seriously, just go.  Click