Congratulations, you've entered the world of FLAMBODRIBBLE
Flambodribble is a cheeky monkey and if you would like to meet him and his family, go to Twycross Zoo just off the A444 and head for the ape house.
If this site gets boring check these out
What you Looking at?
Well let's cut the crap, this is a site designed for those of us who are still young at heart and have an interest in a wide range of activities.  If you're a computer nerd you might aswell log off now cos there's no new groundbreaking info about java script here.
  If you like any of the following you might enjoy the flambodribble web site experience.
Funky music, good night life, alcohol, football, bizarre stuff , films, literature, finance, taking the piss out of your mates, robbing banks, joy riding, delivering pizzas, , pyramids, dwarfs and all manner of filth etc, etc-- read on

On a personal note, did anyone wonder  about Siobhan's knockers or the day the Ernie escaped.

The Essential Burton

Fire Men

Bored Office Workers Page
