[Flamenco y Mas]

Classes 2009

For Dublin Classes, click here

Classes with Ana Castellanos USA
Contact Ana in Philadelphia at 267-682-0913
New Jersey, USA Donna Tambussi Studios, 20 Hadden Ave, Westmont Every Wednesday 8.30-9.30 pm

Flamenco Technique ~ Technique develops skills necessary to learn choreography. Learn Postura (alignment), brazeo (armwork), floreo (handwork), vueltas (turns), llamadas (calls), taconeo (footwork) and compas (rhythm & phrasing).

Intro. to Flamenco & Sevillanas ~ A great introduction for the complete beginner to the world of flamenco. Learn basic Technique & four coplas of Sevillanas with traditional steps, castanets, armwork & stylization.

Continuing Flamenco Repertory Class ~ This class is for Students with experience.
Learn a wide range of rhythms (Alegrias, fandangos, bulerias etc.) commonly used in dance repertory. A choreography is taught, including marchando (marking to verse), escobias (footwork phrases), llamadas (calls), entradas (entrances), salidas (exits), as choreography requires.

Thanks for enquiring - you are welcome to visit the class.

Frequently Asked Questions
What Should I Wear To Class?
Women should wear a hard soled shoe no higher than a 1½ inch heel
or flamenco shoes. Trousers are fine for beginners and
a close fitted shirt or leotard. For other levels, a long full skirt.

Men should wear comfortable trousers and a T-shirt/vest,
hard soled shoes with a small heel or flamenco shoes.


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