Becca's Stuff
Yep as you can see by the title this is were all my stuff is going to be. I'm going to have fanfiction here (both RPS and FPS). Pictures of my muses and any interesting links I might come across in my travels.

Now for the legal stuff to cover my ass. Any stories you may find here are fictional. No truth. Just stuff that comes out of my twisted mind.

Any fanfiction based on moives, books, tv shows, ect are for fun only! I am making no money off them what so ever.

Stuff you will find here:
Fictional Person Slash about:

*coming soon*'Deep Blue Sea' - think 'Jaws' with three times the sharks.

'Ghost Ship' - Munder + Dodge = YUMMY!

*coming soon*Knight Rider- An 80's tv show I watched as a kid, now on the Scifi channel :-D

Real Person Slash:
Metallica - Drool fest, so you better have some towels handy!

Yes, I can write non-slash. So ;-P.
Lord of The Rings

Of people from the above stories

Pet Pictures:
These are my pets. Love them because they are cute and cuddly!!!

DeadJournals of my friends
Places that I like to visit

Yep I got a banner :-D

Hey and while you are here, why don't you sign my guestbook? Come know you want too.
I love this picture!!!!!
My Favorite Links:
All About Me:
Metallica: Lars, James, Rob, Kirk