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    These are some of the really nice comments in my guestbook I post them so I don't loose any of the really nice ones. If you sign my guestbook maybe you'll see your comment on my page I'll keep posting and don't forget to tell me how I can make my site better by giving me suggestions. But if you have something negetive to say don't say it at all. I will poat it if it is kind and good thank you for your kind comments.

    First Name : Alisha URL : Comment : favorite kind of dog? : Corgi if you have a pet what is it and what is its name? : Cockapoo(dog)-rosey/dochsun-maggie/collie-missy do you like my web sight? : ya do you have any suggestions to improve my site : out of 10 what would you rate my site :

  • First Name : Brandi
  • URL :
  • Comment : Do you want to see pics of my Dogs????
  • favorite kind of dog? : American Eskimo
  • if you have a pet what is it and what is its name? : 2 american eskimo
  • dogs named summit and jackson
  • do you like my web sight? : OH YEAH
  • do you have any suggestions to improve my site : Write an editorial.
  • out of 10 what would you rate my site :

  • First Name : nate dogg
  • URL :
  • Comment : check out my site its tight
  • favorite kind of dog? : german shepard
  • if you have a pet what is it and what is its name? :
  • do you like my web sight? : yes

  • First Name : john
  • URL :
  • Comment :
  • favorite kind of dog? : alaskin husky
  • if you have a pet what is it and what is its name? : thor
  • do you like my web sight? : ya it cool

  • First Name : Keith
  • URL :
  • Comment : umm good game?
  • favorite kind of dog? : alaskin Husky
  • if you have a pet what is it and what is its name? : Hamster named Hamtaro
  • do you like my web sight? : sure

  • First Name : Claire
  • URL :
  • Comment : Very sweet and interesting site! Although i'm not an owner of dogs and wouldn't want home one, mostly cause i'm afraid of dogs, i loved your site! Good job!
  • favorite kind of dog? : West highlands Terrier
  • if you have a pet what is it and what is its name? : Cat - Chocolate
  • do you like my web sight? : Excellent

  • First Name : Uncle Ken
  • URL :
  • Comment : Cool web site, Kevin. Maybe in a couple of years you can work
  • for ABS and make money disigning sites.
  • favorite kind of dog? : Flat Coated Retriever
  • if you have a pet what is it and what is its name? : Rufus-Dog/Kimba-Cat
  • do you like my web sight? : Yes in deedee

  • First Name : Karen
  • URL :
  • Comment : Nice web site, Kevin.
  • favorite kind of dog? : All
  • if you have a pet what is it and what is its name? : Thiebaud
  • do you like my web sight? : of course

  • First Name : Debbie
  • URL :
  • Comment : I loved your web site. The picture of Aspen with her arm around Sierra is my favorite.
  • favorite kind of dog? : Westie
  • if you have a pet what is it and what is its name? : Gus and Haley
  • do you like my web sight? : YES!

  • First Name : Jaime
  • URL :
  • Comment : I love what you did with your website. Your puppies are very cute. It is also very informative with the links to other sites.
  • favorite kind of dog? : Golden Retriever
  • if you have a pet what is it and what is its name? : Aspen-Golden Retriever, Sierra-Pembroke Welsh Corgi
  • do you like my web sight? : Absolutely

  • First Name : Lindsay
  • URL :
  • Comment : (this finishes the above comment) ... i also really liked how it was so easy to navigate!
  • First Name : Lindsay
  • URL : ??
  • Comment : Kevin, I think that this website that you have created is very creative and interesting! I learned a lot about your two dogs, Sierra and Aspen, as well as how to care for my own dog! I like all the pictures and graphics on this web page and I also reall
  • favorite kind of dog? : chocolate lab
  • if you have a pet what is it and what is its name? : Poodle-Shitzoo
  • do you like my web sight? : LOVE IT!

  • Please sign my gestbook if you like my site or have any comments.

  • I have two dogs: Sierra, a Welsh Corgi and Aspen, a Golden Retriever.
  • Dogs are a big responsibility. You have to care for them, play with them, feed them, and walk them.
  • A Welsh Corgi is a short stubby dog with a long body, big ears that stick up, a small head, and no tail.
  • A Golden Retriever is a big dog with a color range from almost white to very red.
  • Dogs are the best pets in the world.
  • They are a man's best friend.
  • They always keep you company.
  • They will always forgive you.
  • They are the most playful creatures on earth.
  • Never take food from a dog.

This is Sierra. She can be territorial sometimes.

This is Aspen and Sierra. Aspen is older and Sierra is younger.

This is Sierra. She can be psycho. Sometimes my brother and his friend call her Little Midget Anthony because she is small.

This is Aspen she is the most gentle Golden Retriever in the whole wide world she's a one of a kind dog. She would never hurt a fly.

Pictures of dogs.

If you are interested in getting a dog click here to find a breeder near you.

Dog pictures

Making sure your dog is healthy.

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