
Ohoho, you've stumbled upon a Johnny Yong Bosch fansite! Giving you the latest info and events on Johnny! Pictures, biography, fanfics and more! Chaa~ If it's not too much trouble, we'd love it if you sign our chatterbox or guestbook too ;D


Fanlisting has moved to: http://www.inevitable-fear.org/jybosch/


Sigh. Sorry for letting this site go. I highly doubt anyone visits. ;_; I'm very sorry. I am currently in the process of moving my fanlisting. As for this site, I'm not sure what will happen. Hiatus? I haven't been in contact with Joanne for awhile.. assuming we're both busy. --; Yeah lots of broken links everywhere. And sorry for not responding e-mails (if they were at johnnyandco@hotmail.com; it was deactivated). ;\ I have posted my current e-mail though.. so that should work. And I removed the guestbook. Stupid Bravenet deleted it w/o warning me, but how come OTHER guestbooks are still active? Argh. Anyone that can point me to a better GB host, let me know.

I was suppose to put pictures Johnny had sent me long ago.. If I can find that I'll upload them. ;x This site had a short, but somewhat good run. Every other JYB fanlisting stop updating/died. (Although liz-jen.net is active ^^!) e_e I really didn't want to become like that.. but in the end it might just happen.

But anyway, most people can already interact with Johnny on his band's website in the forum and whatnot >_>


New layout! -____o;; Yeah, it's the best most mediocre thing I could come up with on short notice. More news on Johnny. ~___~ I can't update anything big right now because of school and whatnot, which I could also say the same for Joanne. Oo; If any fans are still sticking to this site.. *looks out and sees a tumbleweed in the audience :P* T__T I'll try my best to get something up by the summer~
P.S. Anyone interested hosting us? *hint hint* :D?


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