Monday, February, 12 Day 5 of 14
Flat Luke.
This is me, Flat Luke!
Abe Lincoln
Today I went to the funeral of my host's letter carrier. I had never been to a postman's funeral before. The funeral was at Central Union Baptist Church in Washington, DC. The church was full of family, fellow postal workers, and customers. Funeral. Click for a larger view
Click for a larger view
The United States Post Office gave me such a fine trip from Minnesota to Maryland that it is sad to think that the letter carrier from the last leg of my journey has died. I'm glad I went to the funeral and told his family what faithful worker he had been.

My Aunt Linda is a letter carrier. When I get back to Minnesota I'll ask her about funerals for postal workers she has attended.

Postal letter carrier. CLICK FOR A LARGER VIEW
Click for a larger view
On the way to the church, I saw many neighborhoods that were not as nice as my Minnesota town. In fact, on the church's corner there were two empty boarded up apartment buildings. No picture but
you can guess.
Today is February 12, the birthday of Abraham Lincoln. So the book I read is Abe and Me by Louise Borden and Ted Lewin. I learned that Abe was a tall man who was a great leader. I hope I can grow up to be like Abe!! Abe and Me book
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