Weather: cold and rainy - between 2 and 9 deg C.

Our original flight from New York to Toronto had been cancelled so we waited for a couple of hours for the next flight. We arrived in Toronto at around 1.00pm and headed to the accommodation counter. The very friendly young lady there found us a room at the 4 Points Sheraton - just outside the city. This was our best hotel so far - and very competitively priced! We also picked up a hire car then took off for the city and a look-see before booking in to our accommodation.

Niagara Falls here we come!!! It was a wet day and the traffic on Canadian roads is quite horrendous. We sit on the speed limit while trucks pass us like we're going backwards!!! Oh dear... we managed to survive!

Niagara Falls is quite spectacular and very definitely the best side to see it from is the Canadian side.

Here's a map of the place and our ticket behind the falls.

Some pictures of the Falls...
This is behind the Falls.
This is me dressed in an elegant raincoat behind the Falls.
Maid of the Mist at the Canadian Falls.
The American Falls.

We headed back to Toronto and checked out a couple of shopping malls, had a drive around the city and surrounds then back to the hotel.

The next day (Thursday 17th) we decided on a relaxing game of golf, so after making several telephone calls headed up to the Muskoka Highlands for a game. Brr.... with a temperature of -2 deg C sometime in the morning and a wind chill factor of -8 we played at Bracebridge in a cart WITHOUT A WINDSCREEN!!! Ohmigod! I had never been sooooo cold. To look on the positive side, at least it didn't rain!!

We were able to get a late checkout the following day, as our flight didn't leave until the afternoon. We decided to check out the Toronto Zoo. It was 4 deg C today and I'm sure the animals knew it, as many of them wouldn't come out to say hello :( Also, a few of them weren't there I'd say due to the cold weather they'd probably been moved to a warmer place. Still, we had a good look around but had to leave by 12.00pm to collect our luggage, return the hire car and book in for the flight to London .