What To Bring
Sleeping Bag or Blanket
Casual summer clothes
       -No short shorts
       -No middriff shirts
Lightweight Jacket
Modest pajamas
Tennis shoes
Sandals or flip flops
Hat (if needed for sun)      
Insect Repellent
Toliet Articles
Notebook & Pen/Pencil
Trash bag for dirty laundry
       -Girls-one piece
       -Boys-shorts length

What Not To Bring
Expensive Jewelry
CD Players
Tape Players
Game Boys
Hand held video games
Tobacco (of any kind)
Pokemon cards or toys   
Please Label All Items Clearly And Boldly!
Flint River Is Not Responsible For Lost or Broken Articles!
Opening Day
Registration for camp is from 3:00pm-5:00pm on Monday under the Registration tent. Parents (or responsible adult) must register camper with remaining balance on Camp Fees and any additional needed information. Each camper will receive his/her nametag, schedule, and cabin assignment. Parents are encouraged to accompany camper to their assigned cabin and assist camper in unpacking and bedmaking.  Camp Counselors will be in each cabin ready to answer any questions that you might have. All campers must be registered by 5:00pm as we will begin to call those campers who are on the Waiting List to take the places of those who have not registered. If you have difficulty getting to registration before 5:00pm and you do not call to let us know, your camper may lose his/her spot to a camper on the waiting list. (Deposits will NOT be refunded to those campers who do not show up for registration. Deposits will be refunded to campers who cancel 10 days prior to camp date. No refunds will be given after this time. No refunds will be given for campers that leave camp during the week of camp.)
Closing Day
Campers must be picked up by 1:00pm on Friday. Parents are encouraged to join us for the Closing Celebration on Friday from 12:00-12:30pm. We will view the camp video from the week, present camp awards, and share memories of our exciting week together.
Visitation & Homesickness
We strongly discourage visiting your child during the week of camp. Many times it upsets campers and it is unfair for others whose parents do not visit. Please join us for the Closing Celebration on Friday.

We make every attempt to make camp as fun and enjoyable as possible but there are times when campers become homesick. If your child becomes homesick and is inconsolable, we will call you to pick him/her up. Because we will do whatever it takes to help every camper have a wonderful camp experience, these instances are few and far between but we want you to be aware of our policy.
Each camper will be checked by our Camp Nurse on Monday during Registration for Fever, Sore Throat, Lice, and General Physical Health. This review will only take a few minutes but is necessary to ensure the health of each camper. We have a fully functional First Aid Room and our Camp Nurse will be on call to bandage any cuts, scrapes, or bumps as needed. For any major accidents or injuries, we will notify you immediately. Please call us and do not bring your child to camp if he/she has vomited, had fever, or been exposed to any communicable disease in the 24 hours before Camp Registration.
Snack Shack
Each camper may visit the Snack Shack during their assigned times. They will be allowed 2 visits on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and 1 visit on Monday and Friday. During CHILDREN'S WEEK CAMPS, campers are allowed to choose 2 items each visit and Snack Shack money is included in the total Camp Fee for each camper. Please do not send any money with your child for Children's Week Camps. During YOUTH WEEK CAMPS, campers visit the Snack Shack anytime during Free Time in the afternoons and again in the evenings. Youth need to bring Snack Shack money with them and are responsible for keeping up with their own money during camp. Most youth campers will not spend more than $10.00 during the week of camp.