Jimmy In Drag
This is Jimmy, or should a say Jenny dressed up as a drag queen.

I Hope You Enjoy!
This the the crew that did this to Jimmy
Lefty ro right: Sammi, Kayla, Mallory, Amber and also Kayla but she was taking the pic
"I'm too sexy for my shirt, to sexy for my shirt, so sexy ya"
I think he enjoys being a girl
Ya hes deffinatly enjoying it!
This all happend at Kayla's b-day party, it was about 10 in the morning and we invited Jimmy over sense he lives right by her for a lil game of truth or dare. Well Jimmy did not complte his dare so of course there had to be a *CoNsIqUiEnCe*
So we tackled him down, and started putting make-up on him, well once the make-up was on we couldn't just leave it at that it would be too boring, so we decided to dress him up. Well once he got dresses and we put the high heals on we couldn't leave his toes so plan, so we painted his toenails and finger nails. Finally we were finished! Time for him to model for us, and here are the results
Well gosh Kd, i don think you have to do all THAT to hold him down lol