
By: Tenku's Girl


Shuu was walking to help Shin off the ground when he heard Touma faintly calling his name. Leaning down he offered a hand to his lover and pulled him from under a soldier that had dropped dead on top of him.

“You really need to be more careful with your attacks love,” Shin scolded him. He looked at Shuu who was staring into nothingness. “What’s wrong?”

“Touma,” Shuu turned to look at Shin. “Something’s wrong with Touma.” He broke out into a sprint in the direction from which he felt Touma’s aura. Shin was fast at his heels.

Shuu tried repeatedly to reach Touma again with their link. Dread grew as an answer never came. Panting he looked up and saw the temple where Lord Hast had taken Seiji. He almost didn’t see Touma laying on the ground nearly tripping over him.

Touma was back in his street clothes. A large tear was ripped into his shirt. Gingerly Shuu slipped a finger through the tear. His finger came back covered with blood.

“Touma?” Shuu started to cut Touma’s shirt off using the short sword that was attached to Suiko. He pulled the material away and saw a deep cut that was four inches across. “Touma you have to wake up.” Shuu shook him gently.

“Shuu?” a whisper came from Touma’s lips. He opened his eyes slowly. “Shuu …”

“Hold on Touma. We’ll teleport you to Seiji. He’ll be able to help you.”

Touma struggled weakly in Shuu arms. “No. I don’t want Seiji to help me.”

“Touma!” Shin said shocked.

“I said no!” Touma yelled as forcefully as he could. He collasped onto Shuu’s chest.

“We’ll take you to the hospital then,” Shuu said looking at the archer. Touma had passed out cold. Shuu stood up carefully holding Touma in his arms. “I’m taking this as a yes then.”


Hours later Shuu helped Touma into the mansion. Shin followed behind them ready to assist Touma if he needed it. The archer had barely spoken two words since they had left the hospital. After getting 50 stitches the wound the warlord had inflicted was sealed off. The wound that Ryo had inflicted in his heart still burned with hurt.

Shuu guided Touma down onto the couch. He knelt in front of his friend and brushed back his hair. “It’s going to be okay Touma.”

Shin walked over to them from the kitchen carrying a glass of water. He held the glass out to Touma and stood by making sure he drank it all. Retrieving the empty glass Shin walked with Shuu back to the kitchen to talk privately.

Touma stared at the den wall after they left. A noise from the stairs caught his attention. He turned his head and saw Ryo descending the stairs wearing only his bathrobe. Touma stood up slowly and face him.

“I trusted you,” Touma hissed at him.

Ryo stopped and looked at him. “Oh you came back. I was being to wonder if you would.”

“I trusted you Ryo! How could you do that?”

Ryo shrugged. “I didn’t say I wasn’t interested in Seiji. You just assumed I wasn’t when I said we weren’t dating.” Ryo sneered at him. “We are now.”

Ryo walked up to him. “You said before you wouldn’t interfere with my relationship with Seiji … so don’t.”

“The only reason you wanted Seiji back is because I love him and you can’t stand the thought of that,” Touma said face growing red.

Ryo laughed. “Oh! You thought you actually had a chance with Seiji? That’s so cute Touma.”

“You’re an asshole.”

“And you’ve a stupid bitch that no one wants. Seiji won’t ever love you Touma just like everyone else. No one loves you. No one would have cared if that warlord had killed you and no one will ever love you.”

Ryo folded his arms and smiled cruelly at Touma. Touma bit his lip and brushed past Ryo. Ryo turned and grabbed his wrist. “Where you going Touma? Going to go cry now cus I hurt you’re feelings?”

Touma jerked his arm away from Ryo. A loud popping sound echoed in the room as pain shot up his side. He stumbled out of the den and out the backdoor. Ryo smirked at the retreating figure.

He turned to go back upstairs. Looking up he saw Seiji watching him from the steps.


Touma stumbled though the woods behind Mia’s mansion. Pain seared up his side with every step. Kneeling down in the small glen where he liked to practice he peeled the bandage that covered his side off. Almost all his stitches had torn apart when he pulled free of Ryo. Blood was making a crimson path down his side.

He moved so he was leaning against a large rock. Touma thought about what Ryo had said. Holding up one hand he looked at the thick white scars on the soft underside of his wrist. Reminders of two attempts at taking his own life and reminders that Ryo was right … no one loved him. Tears slipped down his cheeks.

Pulling out his pocketknife from his jeans he pried the largest blade out. Grimacing he slashed his left wrist remembering the first time. Just after his mother left him. So wracked with guilt thinking the divorce had been his fault, he thought that if he died his parents could live happily again.

He drew the knife across his right wrist then let the knife drop to the ground slick with blood. The second time was after months of abuse from his father. He was tired of being hit and kicked. He was tired of all the pain. So he tried to end it for good.

Sighing Touma let himself slide so he was laying on his back. The sun was starting to set and the faint twinkling of stars was just beginning to show. He looked at the firmament that he was sworn to protect.

::You’ll find someone stronger …:: he said softly.


to be continued …

* itami = pain