Disclaimer: I have no connection to the Ronin Warriors or the Samurai Troopers. I simply wanted to write a fanfiction about them.

WARNING: This is a yaoi fanfiction.

So if you do not like that type of relationship or if you cannot handle mature situations, please do not read any farther. I will not accept any flames for this fanfic. You have been warned. Any comments or suggestions can be directed to bhollan2@hotmail.com Thanks I appreciate it.


By: Wildfire's Flame

The last couple of days had been nerve wracking to say the least. Shin sighed as he went over the events in his mind. He had only wanted to play matchmaker, so why oh why did everything have to go so horribly wrong? Shin rolled over on his mattress and contemplated the room. He knew he should go and speak to Seiji and Touma, but after everything that had happened, he didn't know what to say to the swordsman and the archer, especially if what Byakuen had said was true. Shin was afraid that Seiji would blame him for the loss of his memory, even though Seiji had only lost one particular memory as far as Shin knew. But oh what a memory to lose.

Touma for certain was going to kill him, he knew. Shin wondered briefly if the blue-haired archer has found out yet, that Seiji couldn't remember their first time together. No, he supposed not. If he had, he would have already confronted Shin about it, whether Shin had been awake or not. Groaning, Shin sat up in his bed and slipped his feet over the side. Glancing at the clock he saw the green numbers glowing faintly in the afternoon light. It was about three in the afternoon. Last night had certainly taken its toll. Running his hand through his unruly auburn hair, Shin headed out the door, intent on getting something to eat from the kitchen.

Pausing briefly at the archer and swordsman's room, he opened the door a crack to find the two still sound asleep in each other's arms. Smiling slightly, he stepped away from the room and walked to the top of the stairs. He was about to go down them, when he saw Byakuen sleeping at the foot of the stairs. Growling in frustration, Shin turned to head back to his room. He was in no mood to talk to the cat.

But Byakuen had other ideas. Lifting his head up, Byakuen regarding the rapidly departing figure. "Shin?" he called softly to the young man's mind.

Shin stopped and slowly turned back to regard the tiger with his piercing green-eyed gaze. "If you are not going to offer any help, then I don't even want to hear it Byakuen. I have enough problems to deal with right now without adding more to compound them." Shin was terse with the tiger. He knew that he should have spoken more gently, but he was tired and a migraine seemed to be developing. Rubbing his eyes, he blinked blearily down at the tiger, who had risen from his spot and was slowly approaching Shin.

"Shin. I'm sorry. I did not mean to upset you. I have come to help, if it makes you feel any better." The tiger looked up at the young man in front of him, praying that Shin would talk to him, since the boy appeared to be inclined to walk away.

Sighing, Shin sat down on the top step and reached out his hand to Byakuen, so that he could pet him. "No, I'm sorry. I had no right to be so abrupt with you. It's not your fault that this is happening. You're only trying to protect us, like you always have. So what's this help that you think you can provide?"

"Well, it's not much Shin, but I can at least make sure that Ryo understands what is going on and what you guys need to do to stay alive. I could even tell him that you and I can communicate together the same way that he and I do. That way you won't have to worry about convincing him that you can talk to tigers, and he could back you up when you confront the others. Would you like me to talk to him?" The tiger gave Shin a half-hearted smile, as much as any tiger could smile, that is.

Shin smiled gratefully, as he continued to kneed Byakuen's fur. "Yes, that would be nice Byakuen. Then, at least I will have someone to talk to about this."

Byakuen nodded his head as he stood to go get his master. "Ryo is outside practicing. I will go and talk to him. Nasutei is in the kitchen fixing you, Seiji and Touma a late breakfast, and I believe Shu is playing some game in the den, if you would like to talk to him. He has been very worried about you, you know."

Shin looked up surprised. "He has?" he asked curiously. It was obvious that Shin was quite taken with the warrior of Kongo, but he was quite unsure of Shu's feelings in the matter.

"He has. In fact he didn't leave your bedside until I came in to talk to you last night and after I left, he sort of hovered around you" stated the tiger with a slight smirk on his feline face. The tiger obviously knew way too much about the goings on in this house.

Shin blushed crimson at the tiger's implication. "You shouldn't be spying on him, you know."

Byakuen just continued to grin as he headed for the kitchen to be let out by Nasutei.

Shaking his head, Shin headed for the den in search of Shu.

Shu was playing some sort of fantasy game on their old Nintendo, but he couldn't really concentrate on it. He kept seeing Shin collapsing after the fight with the Wyvern. Shaking his head, he tried to clear the image from his mind but it persisted. Shin trying to protect Seiji as the Wyvern moved to attack him, his brow knitted in concentration. Then, crumpling to the ground, unconscious because he had used up all his strength.

Shu had never felt so helpless. Staring at the game with unfocused eyes, he stood, throwing the controller at the television with enough force that the controller busted upon impact. Grimacing when he realized what he had done, he bent over to pick up the pieces. A slight noise coming from behind him, alerted him to the presence of another in the room. Whirling around, he found Shin staring wide-eyed at him and then at the broken controller. "Shin . . ." he breathed. The broken controller fell from his suddenly limp grip.

Shin had entered the den without Shu being away of his presence and as he stood there he knew something was bothering his friend. The game was still running, but the character was sitting idly on the screen. Shu seemed lost in thought, a slight scowl on his face. Shin was just about to call to him when Shu suddenly stood, flinging the controller away from him. Surprised Shin had taken a step back, hitting the edge of the end table with his knee. Hearing his name whispered, Shin raised his green eyes to meet Shu's blue ones. "Shu, are you all right?" he asked carefully.

Shu looked surprised at Shin's question. "Of course I am fine. What made you think I wasn't?"

Shin merely raised his eyebrow as he glanced at the mangled controller on the floor by Shu's feet.

"Oh that. Well you see . . . I was losing and I guess I got angry at the game. Sorry it won't happen again." Turning quickly, he shut off the game, hoping that Shin did not see that he was in fact winning the game before it was shut off. He was just standing up from putting the game away, when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He knew immediately that it was Shin, but he did not want to face him yet. Trying to change the subject, he asked "So, how are you feeling?"

Shin let his hand drop away. Shu was avoiding him by changing the subject. He could tell that Shu had lied to him about the game, but he decided not to push the young man. Shu would tell him when he was ready. He hoped. "Oh I'm fine. Just a little tired is all. I only hope Touma and Seiji are all right."

Shu turned to look critically at his friend. Dark circles marred Shin's pale skin and his hands were shaking slightly. Grabbing Shin's hand, Shu led him to the couch. "Sit down Shin before you pass out on me. I'll go and get you something to eat. Ok?"

Shin smiled softly at Shu. His mood was as changeable as the weather. "Sure Shu. I'll wait for you here."

"Good. Be back in a minute." Shu headed for the kitchen where he knew Nasutei was making something for Shin, Seiji and Touma. Entering the kitchen, he was surprised to see the blue-haired boy at the table. His head was resting on his arms and he appeared to be asleep at the table. Nasutei was at the stove, stirring some soup that smelled almost done. "Mmmm, that smells good Nasutei."

Nasutei glanced over her shoulder at Shu. "Shhhh. I don't want to wake him up just yet" she whispered glancing at the sleeping boy at her kitchen table.

Shu nodded as he walked over to her. "How long has he been in here?"

"Not long. He just stumbled in here about ten minutes ago, and promptly fell asleep again after I told him that the soup wouldn't be done for a little while." Glancing at Shu, she asked, "do you want some Shu? I can get you a bowl."

Shu shook his head. "No, I'm not hungry Nasutei. But could you get me a bowl for Shin? He's in the den and he doesn't look real well."

Nasutei sighed. "Sure Shu, but are you sure you don't want any? You haven't eaten anything all day."

"No, just the bowl for Shin is fine." He knew she meant well, but he was just too worried about Shin to eat. Glancing over at the sleeping boy, he wondered if Touma was okay. The blue-haired boy hadn't moved a muscle since Shu came into the kitchen. Reaching out his hand, Shu gently shook Touma's shoulder. "Touma?" There was no answer from the boy. Beginning to look worried, Shu shook Touma's shoulder harder. "TOUMA!!" he said almost in the boy's ear.

Touma jerked awake with a start. Blinking blearily up at his tormentor, he mumbled, "Shu? Too early, go away." Touma promptly put his head back down on the table.

Shaking his head with relief, Shu took the bowl Nasutei offered him and walked out of the room. He had been worried when Touma did not initially respond. Weird things appeared to have been occurring in their dreams as late. He wondered if Seiji was upstairs alone. He hoped not, since those things seemed intent on getting near the blond haired boy for some reason. Pausing briefly, he wondered if he should send Touma back upstairs to check on Seiji. 'Nah. He'll be all right. Besides Byakuen would be in here making a nuisance out of himself if the Wyverns were back' he said to himself.

Chapter 2:

Reaching the den door, Shu stopped to watch Shin. He was laying on his right side on the sofa watching some type of cooking show on the television. The auburn-haired boy had his feet tucked up under him with a red blanket thrown across his waist, his hands folded under his head. Shu stepped carefully into the room, not sure if Shin was awake or not. Peering over the side of the couch, he saw that Shin's eyes were indeed closed. Sighing, Shu sat down in the chair beside the couch and began flipping channels. The soup sat in front of him, untouched. Finding nothing on the television worth watching, Shu clicked it off and began to study Shin's profile. It was rare that Shu could watch the auburn-haired young man without Shin somehow becoming aware of it, and this time would be no different.

Shin had heard Shu return to the den, but he was soo tired that he continued to feign being asleep. Except it was no use, not with Shu sitting so close. At first, Shin simply enjoyed his company, but he tensed when he heard the television click off. He knew then, that Shu was watching him. Opening his green eyes, he was not disappointed to see Shu trying to hastily divert his gaze. Smiling softly, Shin set up and glanced at the still steaming bowl of soup on the coffee table. "Is that for me?"

Shu nodded, unable to trust his voice. He hated it when Shin caught him staring like he had just done. Reaching for the bowl, his fingers brushed against Shin's, who was also reaching for the bowl. Shu jerked his hand away as though scalded.

Shin frowned. He wondered what could be bothering his best friend. "Shu?"

Shu merely shrugged as he handed the bowl to Shin. "Here, let me help you with this." Shu dipped the spoon into the bowl and slowly began to feed Shin the soup.

Shin was going to protest the action, but decided that he rather enjoyed it and so he let the other man feed him the warm liquid until the bowl was empty.

Shu got up to leave, when Shin reached out a hand to stop him. "Shu? Will you please tell me what's wrong? Have I done something that has upset you?"

His voice was soft, and yet Shu felt as if Shin had punched him in the gut. "Nani? No, of course you haven't done anything wrong. Whatever made you think that?" Shu sat down on the sofa next to the younger boy and gazed at him quizzically.

Shin played with the edges of the blanket before looking back up at Shu. "Well, I guess I thought you were upset, since you seemed to be so jumpy for some reason. Is it the Wyverns, then?" he asked quietly.

Shu sighed. "Shin, I really don't want to talk about this right now."

"Well then, what would you like to talk about?"

'You, of course' but Shu didn't say that. He didn't want to scare his best friend off. "Nothing Shin. Let's just relax here together, okay?"

Shin nodded, not one to kick a gift horse in the mouth. Shu was sitting on the very end of the sofa and so not caring about the consequences, Shin settled down on the couch. Pulling his feet back up under him, Shin placed his head in Shu's lap and began using him as an impromptu pillow.

Shu sucked in his breath, the second he realized Shin's intention. He surely wasn't but he was. 'Oh God. How am I going to do this without becoming aroused? I am in sooo much trouble' he thought to himself.

Shin knew what he was doing. He had decided that it was high time to create his bond with Shu, so that the Wyverns would be less likely to attack the two of them. He could feel Shu's tension, the moment he placed his head on Shu's lap. Smiling softly to himself, Shin was pleased with where this was going. Now all he needed to do, was to give Shu a little bit of prompting. Wiggling a little bit, he brought his head more fully in contact with Shu's rapidly hardening penis.

Shu let out a gasp as Shin unconsciously snuggled closer to the Kongo wearer. He was now very close to Shu's penis. Shu tried to shift away only to find himself more trapped by the water bearer than before. Shin had turned onto his side so that his face was even with the zipper on Shu's jeans. Shu struggled to breathe evenly. 'He's asleep, he's not even aware of what he is doing, but oh god . . . does he feel sooo good being in my arms.' Reaching down, Shu began to play with Shin's auburn locks, twirling the strands softly in his hands. Leaning forward, he went to place a small kiss on the spearsman's forehead but what he received was the shock of his life, as Shin's warm lips met his own.

Shin taking it as an invitation, slyly snaked an arm up around Shu's neck and kept their lips locked for as long as he could. He could tell that Shu was initially surprised but then, the Kongo wearer began to respond to the kiss with fervor. Their tongues warring for dominance with one another. Shin moaned in pure bliss as the kiss deepened.

Shin's moan was Shu's undoing. He was not sure what had gotten into the auburn-haired boy, but he was going to enjoy it. Picking Shin up, Shu slid underneath the slighter boy until Shin rested completely on top of him. Their lips never breaking.

Shin feeling Shu's hardness through his jeans, gasped when he realized that he was no longer on Shu's lap but was straddling him on the couch. Pulling away slightly, Shin grinned down at the stockier boy. "So, what exactly do you have in mind Shu? I mean, you have me in an awful provocative position." As if to emphasize his point, Shin rubbed against Shu's erection groaning softly, as he tossed his head back.

Shu growled up at the young man on top of him and with an impatient flick of his wrist, he had Shin pinned beneath him on the couch. "There, is that better?" His voice came out huskier than normal, heavy with need.

Shin simply grinned with impertinence. "Well, I don't know. I kinda liked the top." Shin began to run his hands under Shu's shirt and began pulling it over Shu's head before flinging it away. Reaching downward, Shin's progress was stopped when Shu crushed his slight form to his body. Another scalding kiss claimed his lips.

Shu groaned as he rubbed against Shin's stomach. "Love, don't you think you have way too many clothes on?" he whispered in Shin's right ear as he began to tug the pale blue shirt off of Shin. It soon landed on the floor with a soft thud, as Shu trailed hot kisses up Shin's chest. Reaching down, Shu slipped his fingers under Shin's waistband but stopped as he saw the slighter boy palm something from his jeans pocket. "Shin, what's that?"

Shin turned crimson in color. "It's nothing Shu."

"Aw come on, let me see?" Shu pouted.

Shin sighed. Well, he was going to find out sooner or later. I guess it might as well be sooner. Opening his palm, Shin let the object fall into Shu's hand.

Shu looked at the tiny bottle and then back at Shin. "Shin? You had this planned didn't you?"

Shin sighed as he sat up. The blanket puddling at his feet. "No, Shu. I was simply hoping is all."

Shu looked over at his best friend who had his head in his hands. Reaching out to his best friend, he gently pulled the unresisting body back into his embrace. "It's okay Shin. I was just surprised is all. I knew that I liked you, but I didn't think that you liked me. That's why seeing this surprised me."

Shin struggled to turn in Shu's embrace but Shu held him firm.

"I'm glad you brought this. Now I won't have to stop what I have been wanting to do to you for a very long time." For laying in Shu's hand was a bottle of lavender scented oil that Shin had taken from Seiji's room. Nibbling softly on Shin's ear, Shu splayed his left hand across Shin's flat stomach. His other hand placed the oil on the table just within reach, before beginning a downward journey to Shin's waistband.

Shin arched his back as Shu's fingers traced across his sensitive stomach. "Shu, we really shouldn't be doing this in here" he gasped.

"Hush it's okay. Ryo and Byakuen are outside, Seiji and Touma are still asleep and that only leaves Nasutei, and I'll bet you anything she knows what is going on in here. So don't worry about it."

Shin nodded as he felt a cool draft cross over his suddenly exposed penis. The coolness didn't last long though, as Shu cupped his hand around Shin's ultimate treasure. The sweatpants and boxers discarded in a heap.

Shu gently began to rub Shin's silky shaft up and down with his fingers. Shin moaned at the sensations that Shu was evoking.

Tossing his head to the side, Shin began to tremble in earnest. His climax was close, sooo close but this is not the way that he wanted it to happen. He wanted Shu buried inside him as he came, and he meant to have the other boy the way he wanted him. Twisting himself out of Shu's grasp with an effort, Shin turned around to face his best friend. Had Shu been paying attention, he would have seen the neon sign above Shin's head that read "watch out. You're in my territory now." But Shu either didn't see the sign or didn't care what it meant as he continued to kiss the quiet boy.

Shin mischievously reached down to cup Shu through his jeans. "Tut tut, my dear. What was it, you said earlier? Oh yes, something about me having too many clothes on. Well I believe, my dear Shu, that applies to you too." Without any other warning, Shin had Shu's jeans undone and was rapidly pulling them off of the other boy.

Shu let out a small gasp as the restraints of his jeans and underwear were removed.

Shin smiled appreciatively at Shu's size before straddling him. Leaning down, he whispered "I told you I like the top."

Shu groaned as he flipped Shin under him. "Shut up and kiss me Shin."

Shin happily obliged, but soon gasped when he felt a finger enter his body. Arching up, Shin began to thrust against the hand that was invading him. He could feel himself being spread as another finger entered his hot passageway. "Shu!!"

Shu laughed softly at Shin's passionate cry. Reaching for the oil, he poured some on his hands before coating his penis with the oil. Reaching down again he made sure to coat Shin's entrance with the oil. He did not want to hurt Shin any more than he had to. His eyes a stormy grey color, he glanced down into the swirling depths of the ocean. Placing his hands on Shin's hips, he asked softly "are you sure?"

The only response he got was Shin grabbing his wrist and flipping him down on the couch, so that Shin was once again on top. Shin took hold of Shu's member with his left hand and before he could change his mind or Shu could change their positions again, he impaled himself on Shu's golden staff. A single tear tracked over his cheek as he bit his lip against the pain. But the pain soon subsided, leaving only pleasure in its wake. Shin gave an experimental thrust downward, pulling himself slightly off of Shu before plunging down again. His face a myriad of emotions.

Shu's face was contorted with ecstacy. He had not expected Shin to do what he had done, but he loved it just the same. Pushing upward, he began to thrust in time with Shin's movements. Groaning, he reached around, once again taking Shin's member in his hand as he began pumping the smaller boy in time with his thrusts. White-hot lights exploded in front of Shu's closed eyes as he came deep inside of Shin's body.

Shin feeling the hot essence that was Shu spurt inside of him, could not control his own release any longer as he came all over Shu's hand. Still impaled on Shu's staff, Shin began to raise himself up when he felt a responding tingle. Shu was hardening again inside of Shin's warmth. Glancing down, Shin smiled inquisitively at Shu who only shrugged his shoulders.

"What can I say? I have been wanting you for a very long time Shin, and now that I have you, I don't ever want to let you go."

Chapter 3:

Shin groaned at Shu's comment as he reached up to give Shu a soft kiss. Their tongues intertwining with one another. Shin was just about to start their lovemaking all over again when he heard a soft noise. Glancing up, he saw Byakuen watching the two of them from the doorway. A perfectly satisfied feline expression on his face. Shin glared at the cat, before pulling away from Shu. "Byakuen," he hissed to the tiger's mind, "get out of here, before I call for Ryo to come and get you."

"Oh, you wouldn't do that, now would you Shin? Then that would interrupt your fun."

"You HAVE already interrupted our fun. Now scat."

"Sure Shin, but are you sure you wouldn't want a threesome?"

Shin paused, fear evident in his green eyes. "You didn't?"

"I did, so I suggest you get your clothes on in a hurry, unless you want to add him to your little play time." Byakuen smirked at the auburn-haired boy, who would have gladly throttled the cat, had Shu not been giving him an odd look. Glancing down at his lover, "It's nothing, Shu. But I think that we had better get dressed."

Shu looked between Shin and the cat that was still in the doorway. Something was going on there, but he wasn't sure what it was. "Why? It's just Byakuen. He'll go away if you tell him to."

Shin rolled his eyes at his lover. "What do you think that I have been doing? Having a staring match with him?"

Shu winced at Shin's harsh tone.

Shin realized the tone that he said that in and immediately began to apologize. "Shu, I'm sorry. It's just . . . well, Byakuen has been getting on my nerves." He shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

Shu huffed at this; sitting up to put his clothes back on. Shin was already mostly dressed. Sitting back down besides Shu, Shin attempted to pull the older man to him, but Shu resisted him. "Shu, I'm sorry okay? Please don't be mad at me."

Shu turned to Shin then, as he pulled on his orange t-shirt. "Shin, I'm not mad at you, but well . . . I just don't understand why you pulled away. I know you said it was because of Byakuen, but he's just a tiger, Shin. He doesn't know what was going on." Shu ran his hand through his ash-blue hair as he contemplated Shin's face.

"Shu . . . you're wrong. Byakuen is much more than a simple tiger. He used to be human and thanks to the Wyverns and Kaoso, I can now hear Byakuen's voice in my head."

Shu looked at Shin questioningly. "Shin, hon. I think you need to go lie down some more. We probably shouldn't have made love with you so weak still."

Shin gave an exasperated sigh and glared at the cat who was now curled at his feet. "See, I told you he wouldn't listen to me."

Byakuen tilted his head sideways. He could tell that Shin was upset with his mate for not believing in him. "Shhh, Shin. It's okay" the tiger tried to calm the boy.

"No, it is not! The one person that I care for, more than anything, thinks I'm nuts and it is all your fault, Byakuen."

Byakuen listened intently. "Tell him that Ryo is coming. In fact he should be here in less than a minute."

"What good will that do?"

"Just do it, Shin" said the tiger in exasperation.

"Fine. Hey Shu, Byakuen wanted me to tell you that Ryo is coming." The words had no sooner left Shin's mouth than Ryo, himself walked into the room.

"Hi guys. Have either of you seen Byakuen?"

"Hi Ryo. He's right here." Shin pointed to his feet.

Byakuen just purred as Ryo came closer. "What is it boy?" he asked the tiger silently.

The tiger inclined his head toward the other two boys. "They've been arguing" he said softly to Ryo.

Ryo jerked his head up to see that Shu's mouth was hanging open in astonishment, and Shin was sitting on the couch looking very pale. He also noted Shu and Shin's rumpled appearance. Figuring out what probably happened, Ryo glared down at the tiger. "You interfered, didn't you?"

"Not technically."

"NOT TECHNICALLY!!!!" You could hear Ryo shout those two words for miles. He had forgotten to speak to the tiger in his mind, because he was sooo angry. Blushing crimson, he looked up at his two friends. Shu was looking bewildered while Shin only smiled. "Gomen. I did not mean to shout. Shin, I am sorry that Byakuen appears to have interrupted something with his meddling. I am sure he meant no harm."

"No Ryo, It's all right. I am just not used to having him in my head like you are. And your right, he didn't mean to cause trouble. Shu just didn't believe me, when I tried to tell him that Byakuen and I could talk together."

Ryo raised his tiger blue eyes to meet Shu's uncertain blue ones. "Shu, do you believe Shin now? Because if you haven't noticed, he isn't the only one that talks to Byakuen."

"Yeah, I believe you two. It's just hard to imagine that you guys can communicate with him. But I think it's really cool."

"Good. Well, I'll leave you two alone since you obviously need some time together. Have either of you seen Touma or Seiji yet this morning?"

"Yeah, I have. Touma was in the kitchen with Nasutei about an hour ago."

"And Seiji was still asleep when I got up about two hours ago" said Shin.

"Okay, I am going to go and check on those two and I'll be back later okay?"

"See ya Ryo" they both said in unison.

Ryo shook his head as he left the room, searching for his other two friends. Byakuen followed close to his side.

Byakuen was worried about Ryo, especially now that Shu and Shin had consummated their relationship. That only left Ryo and Nasutei as the odd ones out, but the Wyverns only attacked men and so Nasutei would not be in any danger from that. Even Seiji and Touma were safer than Ryo. Seiji may not remember their first time but Touma sure did. Leaving them at least semi-protected. Huffing slightly to himself, he thought 'I had best stay close to him. The Wyverns are likely to try something soon, and they will not be happy to find their two primary targets with strong bonds to another person.'

Ryo could sense Byakuen's tension but decided not to comment on it. Heading for the kitchen, he was glad to see that Touma was still there. "Hey ya Touma. How you feeling?"

Touma glanced up at Ryo and blinked several times to clear his double vision. "Oh, I'm just great Ryo" he said sarcastically pushing himself to his feet. He was in no mood to listen to his unofficial leader. Opening the door wide, he took off for the lake.

"TOUMA!!!!!" Ryo yelled after his friend, unsure of what was bothering him. Running his fingers through his hair in an unconscious gesture, Ryo wandered if he should go after the archer or go check on Seiji. 'Just what the Hell is going on around here?' he thought to himself. Glancing down at the tiger, he asked softly, "Whatcha think boy? Touma or Seiji?"

Byakuen sniffed the air before perking his ears up. He could feel the evil. It was in the house. Heading away from Ryo, he skidded up the stairs to Seiji's room. The door was shut but Byakuen was not going to be deterred. He moved into Ryo's room and out the balcony doors. Racing back around to Seiji's balcony door, Byakuen crashed through the glass. The Wyvern had its hand around a pale slender throat. Fear was evident in Seiji's eyes as he stared at Byakuen. Byakuen jumped on the shadowy creature, who hissed at being detained, its fingers losing their grip on Seiji's throat.

Seiji pushed himself away from the dark shadow and stood with his hand to his abused throat. Angry red marks were evident on the pale skin.

The creature moved back a few steps as it regarded the tiger and the human boy. It was slightly bigger than the one before but the general overlook was about the same. The only difference Seiji could see was that this one had one blood red horn jutting out over its right eye, where the other Wyvern had not had a horn. The shadowy hands were the same with the retractable claws, however. The creature growled menacingly, showing his fangs. Cocking its head to the side, he heard another's approach. 'Damn, this boy has more luck than he should.' "This isn't finished boy" he growled as he vanished into thin air.

Ryo seeing which direction Byakuen had went knew immediately that something was wrong. Byakuen never ran that fast without cause. Ryo was in subarmor almost immediately as he bounded up the stairs after the giant cat. Pushing against Seiji's door, he heard glass breaking and he realized where Byakuen must have gone. The balcony, of course. Running into his own room, he exited back out onto the balcony. Stopping at Seiji's doorway, he was surprised to see Seiji collapsed against the giant tiger's side, his face buried in the thick fur. Red rivulets ran down Byakuen's side where the glass had cut him. Ryo could feel Byakuen's pain but he was more worried about Seiji at the moment. "Seiji?" he asked softly.

Seiji raised his tear streaked face up to see Ryo's tiger blue eyes peering worriedly down at him. "Ryo?" he asked raspily.

Ryo moved around his tiger to kneel beside the blond haired boy, careful of the glass that littered the carpet. Reaching out his hand, Ryo traced the angry red lines that marred Seiji's throat. "Oh Seiji." Ryo said with sympathy. "Hold on and I'll go get Touma."

The blond made a mad grab for Ryo's hand as the raven-haired boy went toward the balcony. "NO!!!!" he screamed.

Ryo looked down at his friend, wondering at the harsh tone.

Seiji winced as the words echoed in his ears; trying again in a gentler voice, he said, "no, Ryo. Please, please don't leave me." Tears coursed down the fragile boy's face. He was terribly afraid to be alone at the moment.

Ryo sat beside the blond and pulled him into his arms, willing his subarmor away. "Shhh, love. I won't leave you." Ryo began to gently rock the quaking figure in his arms. Seiji settled closer to Ryo's warmth. Needing the support he was offering.

The blond looked at Ryo's caring face and felt safe for the moment. He knew Ryo wouldn't let anything happen to him. With that last thought, Seiji slipped into oblivion.

Ryo knew the moment that Seiji fell asleep. He could feel his breathing even out. Well, that's one problem down. Reaching for Byakuen, he called the cat to him. "Come here boy."

Byakuen limped over to his master. He was wounded, but it was nothing that he could not handle. "Is he all right?" Byakuen asked the dark-haired boy while nodding his head toward Seiji's unconscious form.

Ryo looked down at the pale warrior of light. "I hope so, Byakuen. I truly hope so." Shaking his head, he focused back on the cat. "What about you? You got cut by the glass pretty bad."

"Nah. It's okay. It is already starting to heal."

Ryo smiled briefly. "Can you reach Shin?"

The tiger looked at him askance. "Of course I can. Why?"

"Well in case you haven't noticed, Touma is outside alone and Seiji needs him."

Chapter 4:

Byakuen looked up in surprise. He had forgotten all about the blue-haired archer's rapid departure from the kitchen earlier. "Shimatta!!" Spreading his senses outward, he began searching for the Wyvern that had only moments ago disappeared. 'Where is it? Where?' Reaching the lake's boundary, he sensed it and it was not alone. "SHIN!!!" Byakuen called the other boy in a panic.

Shin jerked his head, hearing Byakuen's voice echo through his mind. "Byakuen? What is it? What's wrong?" Shin may have been slightly annoyed at the tiger's consistent meddling, but he could feel the tiger's tension and pain in his call.

"Touma is in trouble. A Wyvern is hovering above him down by the lake. Meet me there." Without waiting for acknowledgment, the tiger raced out the broken balcony door and leapt gracefully off the railing.

Ryo knew something was wrong, but he just couldn't leave the blond swordsman alone. Picking up his friend gently, Ryo carried Seiji out into the hall and down to his room. He was not about to leave the swordsman in his room with the broken door. Placing Seiji carefully down on the bed, he brushed Seiji's sweat soaked locks off of his forehead. Ryo sighed as he looked out the window. 'Please guys, be careful' he thought silently.

Shin bolted out the kitchen doorway with Shu close behind him. He ran as fast as he could to reach the lake in time. He could see Touma sitting on the bank, his shoulders silently quaking and a dark shadow hovering over the lone boy. Byakuen was by the blue-haired boy's side and was glaring at the shadow creature, who still hadn't moved. "Touma!!!" Shin called to the other boy; he began preparing a mental attack on the creature as he drew nearer.

Touma's head snapped up and around, and Shin could see that the boy had been crying. His eyes were red rimmed, and he was trying vainly to stop the tears coursing down his face. Seeing Shin's face harden in concentration, Touma finally felt the source of some of his angst. Looking up, he could see the dark form that was trying to get to him. Hardening his feelings, he began to think of Seiji and their first time together.

The Wyvern felt it, the moment the boy beneath him began to draw on his love of the blond swordsman, and he began to fade away with a smirk. 'It is time to go and get the one that has no such attachments.'

Shin looked baffled as the Wyvern suddenly disappeared. His attack passed harmlessly through thin air. Sighing with frustration, he sat down besides the still upset Touma. "Touma, why don't you tell me what is bothering you?" he asked softly.

Touma shook his head. "I don't want to talk about it."

Shin glanced at the still upset archer and then back at Shu. "Shu, go on back inside and check on Seiji and Ryo."

Shu hesitated as he watched Shin pull Touma into his arms.

Shin sensing Shu's hesitation, said softly "go on. We'll be fine."

Shu nodded as he slipped away. Byakuen close on his heels. The cat had an uneasy feeling that the Wyverns were toying with them. Shaking his head, he slipped into the house with Shu.

Shin watched as Shu and Byakuen headed back to the house and once he was sure that they were out of hearing, he again asked Touma to talk to him.

"No, Shin. I told you I don't want to talk about it."

Shin bit his lip, knowing he was sealing his death warrant as he ventured, "this is about Seiji's lack of memory isn't it?"

Touma twisted in his grasp and glared at Shin in surprise. "What do you know of this Shin?"

Shin bowed his head in shame. "Touma, I . . . don't blame Seiji. It's not his fault. It's mine."

Touma raised an eyebrow at Shin's statement. "Shin? How could it possibly be your fault?"

Shin sighed. "Remember when the Wyvern was attacking Seiji's mind? Well, I had to wrest it away from Seiji or it would have killed him. But in the process, the Wyvern tore away the one memory that was most precious to Seiji. The memory of you making love to him. I'm sorry, Touma. It's all my fault." Shin raised his shimmering green eyes to Touma's, expecting Touma to be mad at him, but what he saw was warmth and love. "Touma?"

Touma smiled at Shin. "Thank you for telling me Shin, and don't blame yourself for that Wyvern's actions. You were only doing what you thought was best at the time."

Shin smiled softly. "Then, you're not mad at me?"

Touma shook his head. "Of course not. I could never be mad at you, Shin. I am however, mad at myself."

Shin looked him over critically, before asking gently "why are you mad at yourself?"

Touma laughed without humor. "Seiji and I had an argument when we woke up this morning and I said some things to him that I shouldn't have. I was upset because he couldn't remember our first time together. But I understand now why he couldn't remember. I'll have to apologize to him for my foolishness."

Shin smiled. "That would probably be a good idea. Come on, we had better head back inside and check on him and Ryo."

Touma looked questioningly at the spearsman. "Shin?" he called softly.

"Yeah?" Shin asked as he stood up, reaching his hand down to help Touma up.

Touma grasped his hand and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet. "Why do you keep saying that we need to check on Seiji and Ryo?"

Shin regarded the archer carefully. Measuring his words, he said softly, "a Wyvern attacked Seiji right before it tried to attack you."

Touma's eyes opened wide as he suddenly took off in a full out run. 'Oh God, Seiji. Please be all right' he thought to himself. Pushing the door to the mansion open, Touma stumbled when he heard a scream coming from upstairs. "SEIJI!!!!!"

Chapter 5:

Reaching the upstairs, the two boys ran straight for Ryo's room where the scream had initiated from. Upon entering, Touma stared wide-eyed at the scene in front of him. Seiji was against the far wall and Shu appeared to be blocking the blond from the wraithlike mist that was hanging over the room. The black mist swatted angrily at the warrior of Kongo, but could not get past him to the blond. Turning away, Shin had the impression that it was smiling. Soon, Shin knew the reason.

Doubling over in pain, he felt Ryo's presence rip free from his mind. Shin couldn't help but scream as Seiji echoed his sentiments. The blond was barely conscious as he felt an intense pressure build up behind his closed eyes and then everything steadily swam back into view.

The Wyverns had Ryo and there was nothing that they could do about it. Looking up, Shin saw Ryo's eyes were glowing with an inner light. It was eerie to behold and the aquatic trooper had a very uneasy feeling, as he felt his energy rip from his body and slam into Ryo's.

Ryo screamed as the white armor of Kikouten encircled his body, but there was one major difference, black wings were attached to the back of the armor. He grinned ferally at his four companions before calling up his sure kill. It was not one that he had used previously, but then again Ryo was being controlled by a Wyvern, even more fully than Seiji had ever been. Aiming the sure-kill at the one person that Ryo knew could free him from the Wyvern's grasp, he let loose with a snarl. "Midnight Fire Annihilation!!!!"

Shin watched frozen, as his leader turned on him and prepared to blast him with the surekill. He knew that it wasn't really Ryo, but the Wyvern that was controlling him. However, that knowledge did little to alleviate Shin's worry. Calling Suiko to him, he made an unconscious effort to protect himself from the inevitable blast. His sea green eyes widened when Ryo's sure kill just barely missed him, ripping a hole in the side of the house, instead. Shin glanced at the damage ruefully, briefly thinking that Nasutei was going to kill them all, if Ryo didn't do it first.

Pausing, Shin watched Ryo's movements. The raven-haired young man seemed intent on destroying him and Shin wondered why he was being targeted. It couldn't be because of earlier, when he had helped to save Seiji, could it? But that was the only thing that made sense. The Wyvern that was controlling Ryo wanted revenge on Shin. He gasped as the reality of the situation set in. The only way to save Ryo was to make him feel loved, but none of them had established a connection to the dark-haired teen. Swallowing hard, Shin stared at the fevered look in Ryo's eyes and thought 'first things first. We have to get Ryo out of the Kikouten armor but how?'

It was then that Shin remembered that Shu and he should have a whole new attack to use, if they could only get close enough together to use it. Shin watched as Ryo took aim and was grateful that Nasutei had stayed downstairs. It would break her heart to see him this way. Timing it just right, Shin leapt out of the way of the attack and landed next to Shu. Seiji and Touma were behind Shu, conversing quietly and Shin knew automatically what they were planning. "No!!! Don't! Ryo's still in there, and we have to try and rescue him before you guys turn him into a crispy critter."

Touma turned wide eyes onto Shin. "I don't even want to know how you knew what we were planning, but I am open to suggestions." They ducked another Annihilation as it shot over their heads.

Shin grabbed Shu and headed to the opposite wall. "Come on, we can do this."

"Do what?"

Shin sighed. Of course, Shu wouldn't know what he had in mind. "Come on Shu. Let's do our combined attack that we gained this morning."

Suddenly, Shu grinned as he realized what his love was up to. "Let's do this."

Shin nodded as he braced his feet against Shu's. Shu securely wrapped his arms about Suiko's waist and he could feel the power reverberating into his arms. Their combined attack was more water based than anything, but Shin did not want to kill Ryo, just incapacitate him long enough to force the Wyvern out. Shu braced Shin's arms, knowing the force of this attack was going to push Shin off balance. Shin's fingers started to glow a light blue with a hint of orange mixed within. The glow traveled down Shin's arms and encircled the two boys before coalescing into a glowing ball of soothing energy at the tip of Shin's Yari. Pointing the Yari at Ryo, Shin let loose with a scream, Shu's voice mingling with his. "Titanic Wave Crusher!!!"

A pure column of water shot out of the Yari with such force that Shin barely managed to hang onto the weapon. Even braced as he was against Shu's solid mass, Shin felt the intensity pouring out of the weapon. Ryo's surekill met it halfway, but it faded under the onslaught of the tidal wave. Ryo was thrown back against the far wall, his head slamming hard against the night stand. Falling limp, he slid into unconsciousness and the white armor disappeared leaving Ryo clad only in his jeans and red t-shirt from that morning. A light mist hung in the room covering everything in its serenity. The darkness dissipated as if it never were.

Shin sighed as he gradually stood, with Shu's help. Walking carefully over to Ryo, he could see the Wyvern that was pulsing just beneath Ryo's aura. He grimaced as he fell next to the unconscious man. "Oh Ryo. Why didn't I listen to Byakuen? If I had, then I would have known that the Wyverns were playing with us this afternoon in order to get at you."

Touma walked over to Shin. "Is there anything that we can do?"

Shin bit his lip. "I don't know Touma. I just don't know."

Seiji cleared his throat. He was still a bit unsteady, but he could feel a power beginning to course through him. "Shin? If I may make a suggestion?"

Shin looked at the blond-haired boy with interest. "Yes, what is it?"

"Well, it appears as though, you and Shu have a new sure-kill and so does Touma and I, though I can't remember how exactly we acquired that new technique. Anyhow, our relationships with one another enabled the new sure kills, correct?" At Shin's nod, Seiji continued. "At the same time, it has strengthened our bonds to one another. I can hear Touma and he can hear me, and I bet you and Shu can hear each other as well. Ryo is our connection to making us all hear each other. I think he needs to know that we all love him, and that at least one from our respective groups need to show him how much he is loved."

Shin blinked innocently at the blond swordsman before slowly turning to Byakuen. "What do you think Byakuen?"

Byakuen stopped his pawing at the darkness around Ryo and smiled. "It may work Shin. I can tell the Wyvern is already scared of you, and you all know that Ryo loves each of you. He was just the most easily targeted, since he did not have any current male attachments."

Shin nodded. "Fine. Seiji since this is your idea, you will be the one from your team, and I will be the one from ours, if that is all right with you love" he said as he looked at Shu.

Shu shrugged his shoulders. "Anything, as long as we get him back."

Shin grinned. "Okay, then let's get started."

Seiji held up his hand. "Wait Shin. I don't think it should be me. I think Touma should do it."

"Me? Why me?" Touma squeaked.

"Love, because you and he are closer together for one. For two, I have seen the looks you pass his way, when you think no one is looking and for three, I think that the Wyvern will simply latch onto my psyche if I try to help Ryo. So please, Touma do this for me and bring Ryo back."

Touma nodded. "Just as long as you know it's you that I love implicitly."

"Yes, I am aware of that Touma. Now go. Help Shin."

Touma nodded as he scooted around the wrecked room to kneel beside Ryo. "How are we going to do this, Shin?"

Shin looked up at the charismatic Trooper, who was looking at Ryo with warmth evident in his eyes. "I am not sure. We can't just start this with him unconscious but if he is conscious, then the Wyvern will likely have more control over him."

"No, it won't."

Shin glanced up in astonishment at Seiji who was glowing a soft white color. "Close your mouth Shin, before you swallow a bug." Seiji had to smile slightly at Shin's surprise. Being an empath, himself, Shin should have felt Seiji's power increasing. Just shows how much Shin really cares for their leader, not to have noticed the barriers being torn away from Seiji's mind. Everything came crashing down in around him the second Ryo's presence was ripped from their minds.

Chapter 6:

Shin knew his mouth was hanging open in surprise, but it's not every day that you see one of your best friends glowing with an inner light. A light so bright that it was literally driving the darkness away. Shin shut his mouth with an audible click as he looked down at his leader and soon to be lover. Ryo was still unconscious but the boy appeared to be close to waking. The Wyvern was no where to be seen but Shin knew it was still wrapped around Ryo; he could sense the evil that was trying desperately to hide from the light that Seiji was projecting. "Seiji, how? When?" Shin shook his head trying to clear it.

Seiji laughed slightly at the auburn haired Trooper's confusion. "Shin, don't worry about it. You were slightly occupied with knocking Ryo out. I am just glad that no one else has gotten hurt during this escapade and that the house is still standing." He waved to the partially destroyed house with a sardonic smile gracing his features.

Shin surveyed the room and languished in the knowledge that Nasutei was definitely going to kill them. Hearing a slight groan, he glanced down at Rekka and was surprised to see the boy struggling to wake up from his living nightmare.

Touma looked askance at his lover and his soon to be lovers before slowly shaking his head. Things just kept getting weirder and weirder around here. First Seiji was having nightmares about these creatures, then he almost succumbed to their evil and now that same evil was after Ryo. Touma let out a low growl. 'What is it with these things, anyway? They keep attacking the ones I love and I for one am not going to stand idly by and let this continue.' Kneeling down, he grabbed Ryo's wrists in his hand while Shin held Rekka's feet together, all the while watching Ryo's face for any improvement.

A few minutes later, tiger blue eyes met cobalt blue ones in confusion. Ryo sat up suddenly and winced. "What on Earth hit me?"

"Ryo?" Touma asked cautiously.

Ryo gave Touma a funny look. "What?"

"Are you, you?"

Ryo's eyebrows raised a few more centimeters. "Of course it's me. Who else would it be?" He looked around the scorched and mostly destroyed room and sighed. '"What the Hell happened in here?"

Shin and Touma exchanged looks. "You don't remember?"

Ryo shook his head. "Is there something that I am supposed to remember?"

Shin raised an eyebrow at the raven-haired man. "Yes, know that we love you." Shin slowly dipped his head to Ryo's and kissed his startled leader softly on the lips.

Ryo felt himself melting into he touch but something was bothering him. He could sense something evil. Trying to pinpoint it, he felt it wrap itself tightly around his heart and he gasped in pain. Arching up off the floor, his eyes glazed as he struggled to breathe.

Shin pulled back with a start as Ryo convulsed beneath him. Holding him still, he indicated to Touma to start.

"You sure about this?"

"Yes, Touma. We have to work fast now, because the Wyvern is fighting him."

Seiji suddenly took another step closer to the three on the floor, before turning his back to the three. Almost instantly, Ryo's body fell limp.

Shu decided that this would be a good time to leave, since he didn't think they needed any unnecessary observers to what they were about to do. Besides, someone had to go downstairs to make sure Nasutei was all right.

Opening his eyes again, Ryo grabbed Shin's wrist in a crushing grip. "Help me. Shin."

"We are going to Ryo. Just relax and let us love you."

Ryo nodded as he felt another hiss of pain arch over him. "Well, whatever you have in mind, hurry. This thing is either going to take control again or I am going to die."

Shin and Touma could both feel the truth behind those words and with that thought in mind, they methodically stripped Ryo of his clothes. Shin knelt beside Ryo, gently suckling his lower lip as Touma divested him of his clothes. Soon, Shin too was naked. Smiling softly up at the still clothed air Trooper, Shin beckoned him closer.

Touma knelt on the other side of Ryo and gasped as he felt Ryo's hands on his shirt.

The fire bearer was barely cognizant of what he was doing, but knew he needed this. Tugging on the material, Ryo tore the shirt off of Touma. It fell away from to Touma's shoulders to land in a pile on the soft cream-colored carpet.

Touma was so enraptured with the way Ryo's lips were curved, he never even noticed Shin was stripping him out of the rest of his clothes. Pressing closer to the boy still lying on the floor, he gently kissed that delectable mouth, before demanding entrance to Ryo's moist heat. Touma felt himself moaning into the kiss as Ryo's tongue encircled his and they began to fight for supremacy.

Shin watched the two of them for a moment before turning his attentions elsewhere. Seeing that Ryo's member was being woefully neglected, Shin decided it was high time to remedy that. Sidling down to be even with Ryo's hips, he took Ryo's member into his small grip and gently began to pump it up and down.

Ryo felt his breath catch in his throat when he realized that Shin was stroking him. Moaning, he arched up into the touch, demanding more, and Shin was more than happy to oblige.

Shin could see the gathering moistness on Ryo's tip and hungrily, he swept downward to catch the jewel before it fell. Encircling Ryo's member with his hot mouth, he began to suckle the other Trooper while Touma continued to kneed Ryo's chest and ply his mouth with kisses.

Ryo groaned under the dual onslaught of his friends. His hips rose from the floor in a manner he could no longer control. Briefly, he thought that this was wrong since Shin should be with Shu and Touma with Seiji, but it felt so good to be touched and to be loved. Ryo could detect the darkness around his chest was starting to lose its stranglehold on him. Moaning, he tossed his head to the side, lost in the sensations that Touma and Shin were producing.

Shin and Touma glanced at each other in mutual understanding and swiftly they swapped places. Touma was now straddling Ryo's hips while Shin ran his hands along Ryo's ribs. Pausing at a pink nipple, Shin bent forward and took the treat into his mouth, suckling on it till it pebbled beneath his touch. Grinning ferally, he then went to work on Ryo's other nipple.

Touma watched Shin for a moment before moving his hips against the writhing man beneath him. He gently squeezed Ryo's manhood and could feel the pulse jump at his touch. Ryo was very close and Touma had to smile. Shin obviously had a very talented mouth to make Ryo this responsive. Dipping his head, he swirled his tongue around the tip of Ryo's member and was surprised when Ryo's hands grabbed him, forcing him to take Ryo's whole length into his mouth. Fortunately, Ryo was still coherent enough to not have choked Touma in his enthusiasm.

Ryo was lost and he knew it. The second Touma's mouth closed over him, he knew he was done for. Arching up into his friend's mouth, he let loose with a low scream. His seed shot forth into Touma's mouth, where the other Trooper eagerly swallowed the offering.

Falling back, Ryo felt exhausted mentally and physically but he knew this was far from over as he continued to feel Shin's smooth, soft hands sliding across his overheated skin. Moaning, he reached up to pull the other man down on top of him. Plunging his tongue into Shin's mouth, he jumped when he felt himself and Shin being turned over. Ryo glanced down and could now see Shin's aqua green eyes shining up at him with love. Glancing back, he could see the same love in Touma's eyes. Sighing, he knelt his forehead against Shin's.

Shin watched the play of emotions flicker over Ryo's face. He could tell Ryo was already hard again and he ached to have the raven-haired man embedded deep inside him, but he could also see the turmoil evident in his leader's eyes. Reaching up, he said softly, "Remember, we love you and we trust you."

That was all it took to snap Ryo's slim control on his desire. The Wyvern screamed at him, but Ryo paid it little mind. He was totally focused on the two who held his life in their hands. Ducking his head, he began to suckle on Shin's neck, strong enough that he knew Shin would have a hickey to mark this occasion.

Touma peered over Ryo's shoulder and saw Shin had his eyes closed, his mouth making small mewling noises. Pressing up against Ryo, he left butterfly kisses down the other's back till he reached Ryo's behind. Grinning, he slid a finger inside Ryo's virgin sheath.

Ryo tensed the moment he felt Touma's finger inside of him, but then the archer's calm voice reached his passion clouded mind.

"Relax, Ryo. You know we would never hurt you. We love you." Touma then inserted another finger as he began to spread Ryo farther apart. Reaching around with his other hand, he stroked Ryo's growing erection as he lightly nipped him on the shoulder.

Ryo taking the words to heart, relaxed and lent himself to the sensations he was feeling. Reaching between Shin's legs, he began to do the same thing to Shin that Touma was doing to him. He smirked when he felt Shin leap upward at his touch. He could tell that Shin was more than ready for things to start. Gripping Shin's dripping penis in his hand, he squeezed, causing the auburn-haired youth to writhe even more delectably under him.

Touma, feeling that Ryo was ready, began to press himself up against his entrance when he remembered the lube. Glancing frantically around the room, his eyes landed on his love in the middle of the room. Seiji was turned away from them but he must have heard Touma's thoughts because in his hand lay the desired object. Touma whispered a heartfelt thank you to his love who nodded. Seiji would have left the room long ago, except that his light was the only thing keeping the Wyvern from taking control of Ryo, and until the three of them complete their play time, he could not leave.

Pulling the cap off of the lube, Touma gently coated himself and Ryo's opening before pressing it into the raven haired man's hand.

Ryo nodded in understanding as he quickly coated himself and Shin with the cool gel.

"Ready?" Touma whispered in Ryo's ear, sending tingling waves down his spine. Nodding in response, he groaned as he felt Touma start to enter him.

Touma paused after he had entered Ryo to let the other man adjust, but he soon felt the need to withdraw. Ryo was so tight around him; he felt incredibly good. It was all Touma could do to hold still.

Ryo pressed back against Touma, needing more, begging for more when he realized he could have more. Grabbing Shin's hips in his hands, he pulled the water Trooper toward him, slowly impaling Shin on his length. Trembling, he watched Shin's eyes close in ecstasy as Ryo slowly pulled out of him.

Touma also withdrew before plunging back in, pushing Ryo further into Shin. Shin cried out as his pleasure center was hit and the three of them continued to move in tandem with one another.

Ryo felt like he was on fire. Molten heat surrounded him from the front while his own pleasure center was singing from the joy of being hit repetitively by Touma's sure thrusts. Whimpering, he felt as if he was going to shatter from sensory overload. It did not take him long, to feel his muscles clenching tightly around his two lovers. Bracing his arms on either side of Shin's head, he brushed his warm moist lips against the other mans as he came deep inside of him.

Shin and Touma both felt Ryo's release at the same time and each of them convulsed in tandem with one another. Shin cried out as he arched up against his two lovers and Ryo felt Shin's essence spread over his stomach where he had collapsed just as he felt Touma's essence shoot deep inside of him. Sated the three collapsed bonelessly to the floor.

Touma rolled to the side so as not to crush the two beneath him. Looking at his two lovers, he began to worry that it wasn't enough when he felt Ryo's mind inside his own.

"Hi ya, you guys."

Touma smiled and then tensed as he saw the blackness around Ryo.

The Wyvern was beyond ticked. He could not stop the coupling and now, he was being forced out. It screamed in complaint but Ryo's mind was stronger.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!! They love me and there's not a Damn thing you can do about it!"

The Wyvern hissed in anger that it was being denied its target as Ryo forcibly pushed it out. It hovered for a minute above the barely conscious youth, its countenance twisted into a grimace. Growling, it made a parting barb at Ryo that echoed through all their minds, before it disappeared in a brilliant flash of light. "We shall see Rekka. We shall see . . . " Having no place to hide, the pure light emanating off of Seiji was too much for the creature and it burst into flames before vanishing into the night.

Chapter 7:

Ryo sagged forward unconscious, all of his energy spent. He welcomed the inky darkness that claimed him; knowing it was only the healing power of sleep that was calling to him.

Touma darted forward to catch the raven-haired man but Shin beat him to it.

"It's okay, Touma. He's fine. Just used up all his strength forcing that creature out of him."

Touma nodded as he bent to retrieve his clothes. Putting them on, he looked at Shin and Ryo. Shin was still cradling their fallen leader in his arms. Crystalline tears were making tracks down his pale creamy skin. "Shin? You all right?"

Shin nodded absently. "I-I just thought that we were going to lose him, Touma." Shin looked up at Touma's midnight eyes. "I mean he's the one that holds us all together. If it weren't for him, who knows where we would be? Probably still in our resting places where Arago first sent us."

Touma knelt beside the aquatic Trooper. "Look, Shin. You said it yourself, he's fine, at least physically. And as for losing him, well that's never going to happen as long as we each love one another. So for now, let's not worry about it. We need to get him out of this room, preferably off the second floor. Seeing as it is partly demolished."

Shin nodded in agreement as he looked around the room in wry amusement. Slipping his own clothes on, he went to the only dresser still standing and pulled out a green short sleeved shirt and another pair of jeans as well as Ryo's night clothes. Slipping the soft sweatpants on Ryo's unresisting form, he turned to the blond who was still not looking at the three of them. "Seiji?"


"It's ok for you to turn around now."

Seiji blushed slightly as he turned toward the others. "You sure he is all right?"

Shin looked down at Ryo and smiled softly. "Yes. Can you carry him downstairs?"

Seiji looked at the other two and nodded simply. Bending over, he scooped Ryo up in his arms and headed out the door. Carefully, he maneuvered his way down the stairs and placed Ryo gently on the couch. Touma and Shin were not far behind him.

Shin placed Ryo's clothes at the foot of the couch before heading over to the other sofa.

At that moment, Shu stepped out of the kitchen with Nasutei. Looking over the four exhausted Troopers, he sighed. "Everyone all right?"

"Yeah Shu. We're fine for now. Have you seen Byakuen?"

"Im here, Shin."

Shin nodded absently. "Good, watch over him will ya? I think I need some sleep." And with that said, Shin laid down on the other sofa and fell into peaceful oblivion.

Touma and Seiji looked at each other and with mutual consent headed for the den. They needed to talk.

Nasutei looked at the two young men fast asleep in her living room, then at the two who were heading toward the den before finally settling on Shu. "So, you going to tell me now what the Hell happened upstairs, and why my house is practically destroyed?"

Shu sighed. 'Why me?' "Nasutei, look. Things got a bit crazy around here for a bit. Another Wyvern has been attacking the guys and it finally got to Ryo. Ryo is the one that destroyed most of the upstairs." Shu noticing that Nasutei's face was beginning to darken with fury, hastily added, "but it wasn't his fault. The Wyvern was controlling him, but now Shin and Touma have managed to drive the Wyvern out with Seiji's help. They all just need some rest."

Nasutei put her hands on her hips and grimaced. "Do I even want to know how Touma and Shin managed to get the Wyvern to leave Ryo alone?"

Shu shook his head.

"I didn't think so. Well at least it's over." Seeing Shu's look, she said more cautiously, "it is over, right?"

"I don't think so Nasutei. I just don't think so. The two Wyverns we have faced off against seem to be lackeys of some sort. I don't think that we have even seen the tip of the iceberg yet."

Nasutei threw her hands up in the air in exasperation. "Just great Shu, and let me guess, we have no idea when or where they are going to strike next, do we?"

Shu shook his head again as Nasutei rolled her eyes.

"I am not even going to have a house to live in once this is over, if they keep insisting on fighting you guys here in the house."

Shu grinned. "Well look at it this way, you did say you wanted to remodel."

Nasutei gaped at Shu in astonishment before a giggle escaped her. Soon turning into a full out laughing fit as the two of them went into the kitchen to fix a very late dinner. No one had eaten anything since that afternoon, before all the attacks began to occur.

Shu settled down on one of the kitchen chairs while he watched Nasutei fixing dinner. She wouldn't let him help, said he would eat everything before it was cooked or something. Shu had to grin at that comment. Thinking to himself, "at least things don't appear to be really bothering her." He never even realized when he fell asleep sitting there.

Nasutei heard a soft thump and when she turned to look, she saw Shu was fast asleep at the table. Shaking her head, she was tempted to wake the other up but decided against it, at least until she left the kitchen. Putting the potatoes on to boil, she slipped out to the living room where her new laptop sat. Bringing it back into the kitchen, she turned it on and booted it up. Hooking it up to the phone line, she began to do a search for anything that could relate to the Wyverns that were attacking her family. That was what each of the Troopers were to her, family. Even though she knew that Ryo loved her, she also knew it was more important for him and the guys to remain close, and she fervently wished that they would. She also hoped that Ryo would not be left out of the developing relationships.

Nasutei had a pretty good idea of what occurred to force the Wyvern to leave Ryo alone and she just hoped that those two knew what they were doing. But she would have to talk to them later, since Shin was asleep and Touma well Nasutei knew what he and Seiji were doing. Slowly she shook her head and prayed to whatever deity that was listening that no Wyverns would attack anytime soon because if they did, there was no way the guys would be able to stand against them as exhausted as they were.

The smell of food gradually woke Shu up; groggily he blinked at Nasutei who was rapidly typing on her keyboard. "Nasutei?"

Nasutei raised her eyes to meet sleepy blue ones and she smiled at the earth Trooper. "Shu, dinner is done if you would like to try and wake the others. I have had it on warm now for about an hour."

Shu blinked at her. "I've been asleep for an hour?"

"Nah, longer than that. You were out even before dinner was done. I guess you have probably been asleep for about two hours or so."

Shu blinked some more at her before sighing. "Have you tried to wake the others?"

"Nope. I didn't want to interfere with Seiji and Touma's conversation nor did I have the heart to wake up Shin and Ryo when they seem to be so at peace. But they need to eat and I have something to show you guys anyway. So could you try and get them up?"

Shu sighed and was about to get up when he decided to try something. Calling softly to Shin's mind and then to the others, he said "dinner is ready guys."

Shin mumbled in his sleep, trying to bat away the offending thought but Shu was persistent and so with much groaning Shin dragged himself off the couch and into the kitchen. He glared at Shu who smiled innocently at him. Plopping ungracefully down in a seat, he grimaced at the gritty feeling in his eyes.

"Where's Ryo?"

"Still sleeping. Leave him be, Shu. You know he's totally exhausted."

"But . . ."

Shin raised his head and glared at Shu some more. "I said no, now drop it and don't even think of bothering Seiji and Touma. They haven't been asleep for very long."

Shu grinned playfully as he pulled Shin towards him. Kissing him softly on the lips, he said "I bet they were otherwise engaged, ne?"

Shin blushed crimson at the innuendo. "Shu!!!" he said incredulous.

"Oh come now, little one. You and I both know they needed to make up."

"Yeah, but you don't need to be so flippant about it."

Shu smiled some more. "You know, you're cute when you are upset."

Shin sputtered as he felt Shu kissing him again. The two of them forgetting that Nasutei was in the room with them. A soft cough brought them out of their haze as they tried to figure out the source of the cough. Shin locked eyes on Nasutei and turned bright red. "Nasutei, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were in here."

"Obviously," she said with a quark of her lips.

Shin's blush deepened.

"Oh come now, Shin. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. I'm just happy you guys are working out your relationships, but don't forget that one of you is the heart of you all. You need to make sure you stay connected with him or you will lose this fight with the Wyverns."

Shin and Shu looked at Nasutei in interest. "You sound as if you know something."

Nasutei smirked. "I do. While you were all resting, I was doing some research on the net and in my grandfather's old files. What I found was interesting to say the least."

"Well, what did you find?"

Nasutei shook her head. "No, this should be told to all of you at once and since you guys seem to think the others still need to sleep, this can wait. However, you two are going to eat. Shin, you look like death warmed over, so no arguments."

Shin nodded meekly. He didn't feel that good. The past couple of days were taking their toll on the empath. Sighing, he took the plate Nasutei offered him and ate every bite. Feeling full, he and Shu headed back out to the living room where Byakuen was standing guard over Ryo. Settling down on the floor, Shin wrapped up in a couple of blankets and promptly fell back asleep.

Shu watching his love, grinned as the little imp went back to sleep. He never even got any pillows. Shaking his head, he headed for the hall closet to get a few pillows down from it. Carrying them back, he placed one under Shin's head before he, himself slid into dreamland.

Nasutei smiled as she put the leftovers in the refrigerator and then shut her laptop down. Heading for the living room herself, she leaned back against Byakuen who watched as she too fell into a dreamless sleep.

Byakuen sighed, knowing instinctively that all of his charges were fast asleep. He sent his senses outwards hoping to locate any threat to him and his charges and felt reassured when he didn't get a response.

Across the dimensions, Rubeas growled. He was the one sending out his pets to test the Troopers and yet another had failed. Grimacing, he watched as the object of his affection made love to another man. "That blue-haired one must die for touching my Seiji!!" Rubeas's face twisted into a mask of pure hatred as the image shifted again to the household falling asleep. Cursing, he stood and swatted at the image in the mirror. The mirror crashed to the floor in hundreds of pieces and yet, the image remained before eventually fading to black. Rubeas didn't care that his viewing mirror was smashed, he could always get another. In fact his room was filled with them, every where you turned you would see a mirror displaying yet another world. What he did care about was the 24 hour lag time between what the mirror projected and what was actually happening. Swivelling on his heel, he decided that if he wanted things done right, then he would have to do it himself.

Traversing the dimensions was easy for the Wyverns. They were an ancient race that had long ago discovered how to view different worlds but it had taken them several more millennia to learn how to transport to those worlds and now finally, Rubeas was to have his wish. He had been watching the blond for many years and was truly enamored of the blond's abilities. He wanted that power for himself and he would have it! Gathering his thoughts, he looked into the only other viewing mirror that led to the world in which he wished to go, and instantly, he disappeared into the slipstream. A few minutes later, but what had felt like hours, Rubeas found himself kneeling in lush vegetation. A stream gurgled nearby and trees towered overhead. Birds who were merrily chirping instantly quieted as if sensing his ill will. Rubeas noticed none of this as his mind was set on a single purpose, making Seiji Date his own.


For Now