I`ve Learned

I`ve learned , most your time in chat is a gettaway from the tormens of reality , escaping reality isnt the answer .

I`ve learned no matter how much you say you love some one in chatt the words may not be true .

I`ve learned it takes days to build up a friendship , but only seconds to tear it down .

I`ve learned you can meet awsome people here , and yes alot of assholes .

I`ve learned that you can change peoples lives in here at a drop of a hat , you have to earn respect here its not given to you
I`ve learned  you can trust your friends on here as i have cos they know when something is wrong , and they possess the
ultimate power of being there for you when needed .

I`ve learned , that chat is just an escape from actual reality , and yeah reality sucks .

I`ve learned no matter what becomes of us our nick names describe how we feel about ourselves.

I`ve learned to live love and laugh and cry on count of the net ,you share alot of tender moments with friends .

I`ve learned , love the people who you meet online and especially in person cos when u meet the person on the other end they leave a lasting impression on your life .                                                   
I`ve learned to trust your net friends cos they are real as they make it , people online care just as much in real life , it took a true friend to make me see this , thank you wyld your very special to me .xoxoxox