Moaning Myrtle's Competition
    For Budding Young Authors
Yes, fellow Harry fans, Myrtle has finally got around to making her competition so I can steal all of your fan fiction and make my toilet look pretty again. Quite unfortunately, Snape has been in here dirtying things up again. (note to viewers, I won't steal your fan fiction, just display it nicely on my site.)

Don't get your hopes up about international stardom and prizes beyond your wildest imagination, it won't happen. Myrtle doesn't have the means to do that, I'm a ghost, remember. All you will get is:

1. A gurantee that I will never haunt your toilet and make your life as miserable as mine has been. (even though I am dead and this is not a life, more of an after life)

2. A big thank you from me, Myrtle: Webmistress At Large and your name and talent plastered all over my page.

3. The self-satisfaction that you have taken a step in ceasing Myrtle's infernal moaning!

The competition stands thus;

You must write me a fan fiction story, of whatever length you choose, but it must:

* Be your own original work and not a rip-off of someone else's fan fic
* Must contain at least one character already established in the Harry Potter novels, you may make up characters but only if you includ existing characters in your story
* Degrading Myrtle in your story is not allowed. This will result in immediate disqualification
* This must be a story. Poems, songs and soap operas regarding Harry are not authorised.
* You must not be a judge of this competition posing as someone else.

The judge's decision is final. A closing date for entries has not yet been finalised but I will release it once the entries have started flowing in. (HINT HINT) The judges are as follows:

Myrtle: Webmistress At Large - The webmistress will have the absolute final say in what stories make the final. Because it's my toilet and i choose how to decorate it.

Hermione Myrtle - Already a highly talented, established fan fic writer, Hermione Myrtle is taking time off from this competition to be in the judge's seat. She will assess how well the story is written.

Dumbleydore - Hermione Myrtle's biggest critic will be analysing the story line and the effectiveness of any new characters you create.