While it's usually "all business" in the Basement, we sometimes engineer "tension breakers".
Marcus and the new Python rocket. First launch March 4, 2001.  Lost Novembe 27, 2003.  Click here for launch video.
Unnamed rocket Launched 3 times, lost on Feb 25, 2001
My Saturn V Project
Here is a photo of the completed Launch Control Unit (LCU) as seen above.  Click here to see details about the PCB construction.  This unit contains a countdown timer with display that fires the engine at T-"0".  At 10 seconds before launch, it retracts the lug arm.  I included an anometer to monitor wind speed and shutdown the launch if it exceeds 10mph.
My Shuttle Project
This "Red Rocket" was used on the day, of the first r/c shuttle, to test the two  motor ignition system.  Due to a large parachute, the rocket was lost after its first flight.  3/17/03
Here for launch video.
My wife bought me a Estes Space Shuttle for Valentines day, and over spring break Jay and I had a chance to launch it twice.
Shuttle launch complex construction
My Estes Mercury Redstone