Primary Goal: To provide the information necessary for citizens to reach their own conclusions about the events in Florida based on a more balanced critique rather then the divisive and partisan rhetoric spewing from both sides of this issue.

The purpose of this site is to provide some critical analyses of the post-election turmoil in Florida, paying particularly close attention to the hypocritical, inconsistent, and shameful tactics employed by both Democrats and Republicans.  As a result, the valid points being made by both sides are getting lost in the partisan shuffle.  But if all you care about is making sure your side wins and you don't want your partisan passion stymied by the possibility that both sides are trampling our democracy to a certain extent, then you may not care so much for this site.  However, I believe that if both sides knew how much they are being mislead by the half truths and emotional appeals being spewed by party leaders, and if both sides understood the events in Florida in more detail rather than just the biased information their parties are providing, then perhaps both sides could come together and direct their outrage at the way both candidates have used and abused our Democracy rather than lining up like soldiers behind one candidate or another ready to do battle with the enemy.  We have seen the enemy, and it is us.

Most of these pieces rely heavily on factual information reported by the national news media and legal fact found in state law.  However, each piece has a certain degree of my own personal opinion and interpretation thrown in for good measure.  To be honest, I probably come down harder on the GOP in some pieces, but I think you will find that the information presented here is a more balanced critique than you will find anywhere else on the web.  I am neither a Republican or Democrat.  My primary concern is the integrity of our democratic processes and the sanctity of our right to vote.  My criticism of both sides stems from my belief that each has toyed extensively with these principles.