Keep of the Dragon Senshi

I am Sailor Dragonspaw, the brow beaten slave... Not really, I run the site and keep it up, but since I don't trust any of the other girls with it I have to. This is our site for the senshi and if you wish to take a tour you will learn a lot about myself and my fellow scouts. If you find something wrong let me know, all errors are the doing of our enemies (I swear). Also if there should be any copyright problems, just let me know and I'll fix it in a jiffy. Oh, and should you wonder, there are other people who work on this site with me. And they are real, never fear. Enjoy!
That is all we have for now. Please check for updates.
In case you are confused about how I could be a scout read the page concerning everyone, it's the "real senshi" link. Also there are some out of character things I say. One last thing I interchange the Dub and the original names.

I would like to thank the site I got this from... I'll post their name if I find it.
Shadow's Library Sailor Curtain's Bios Zalla's Photo Album is down until further notice Darby's Refrigerator
Dragon Images has been taken down, until further notice Sign New Guestbook View Old Guestbook
View Guestbook
Scouts You'll Never Meet
Multimedia/Downloads/Games Links Awards that were given to this site Any questions you may have
The real Dementerville Scouts Anime Characters Seperated at Birth You Know You're Obsessed With Sailor Moon When... When Scouts fight
NEW!!Mystery Science Theater, Fanfic Style! The site guardians
Awards You Can Win The Scenes You Never Saw

Newest Update
August 15, 2002
I have been alternating between busy and lazy this summer. Yet now, with school bearing down upon me, I understand that the ENTIRE site needs a revamping. The horrifying realization that everyone's birthday had passed with out a single revamped section occured yesterday. So... Proceeding to revamp. Oh, and about the sections being down. I just did that today, because I got this "warning" thing that told me I was using 85% of my storage space. So I've gotten rid of the images until I can find somewhere else to stash them.

Six and Seven are done!!!! Oh, and we might produce an Audio CD!! That'd be cool! We could ship it too, so long as you paid the shipping. The comic is... progressing moderately. I'm redoing the script so it'll be easier to draw. Ja ne!
Episodes 1,2, 3, 4, & 5 are out!! Season 1 is finished. Go check it out. Please sign the guest book. Please visit the fanfics. Go see. Enjoy!

Our Administration:
My guardian cat, Shadow, watches over the library (fanfics). My friend, Sailor Curtain, looks over the bios of the other scouts. Her guardian cat, Zalla a male, looks over the photo album (images). Sailor Sandrock runs 'Seperated at Birth!?!'. Reepy and Bruce run Links. Emily and Snowy run Downloads... Sailor Starfire runs Scenes You'll Never See. Sailor Icesis runs Scouts You'll Never Meet. Sailor Yui will run the manga section once it's up. Darby runs her refrigerator, (fanart). Lola hosts the site guardians/pets. And Sailor Hurrican runs the 'You Know When You're Obsessed With Sailor Moon When...'. Shifty runs 'Awards this site has won'.

Sailor Moon was not created by me. The anime as well as manga was created by Takeuchi Naoko. The copyrights belong to her as well as all the companies that published them. I did, however come up with the characters Sailor Dragonspaw, Shadow, Draco Knight, Sailor Curtain, and all the bad guys I made up. The other Dementerville chracters are original too. I would appreciate what little content that I made myself remain under my name should anyone take them. Also if you were wondering, some of the scouts do maintain their section, by e-mailing it to me. I post everything though. Enjoy. P.S. should there be any problems or questions e-mail me at