Claw and Sword

Yet another unfinished roguelike game

(6Feb00) New alpha release again: cns-002.tgz
Added some screenshots.
More bugs fixed, code cleaned and features implemented.
When entering new levels you are positiened in the stair, so the Wizard teleport is no longer required to move around levels.
The outdoors maps have been implemented you could exit the dungeon and walk across the world. If you press '<' again you will see the entire map, then '>' to area map.
This is the NEW list of the keys that you could use now.
8 kMove NNo
6 lMove ENo
2 jMove SNo
4 hMove WNo
9 uMove NWNo
3 nMove SENo
1 bMove SWNo
7 yMove NWNo
q QQuitNo
space . 5WaitNo
<Go upstairsNo
>Go downstairsNo
CPlayer Datano/yes
WWizard Command
Activate one of the follow
tRandom Teleportyes
pControl creature with puppetryyes
PRelease Creature from puppetryyes

(31Jan00) New alpha release: cns-001.tgz
Notes about Puppetry: This will be a spell, but now is a Wizard/Debug feature.
Pressing 'p' you gain the control of the next creature in the internal list.
Pressing 'P' releases the current creature if is a "Puppet".
You should note that you have the control of the "player body" too (In next releases the player body will be defenceless).

(30Jan00) Some bugs fixed, code cleaned and features implemented.
Now, the curses almost works fine.
When entering a level a bunch of dummy creatures are generated, levels are saved and loaded from disk instead of maintain all in memory.
This is a list of the keys that you could use.

8 kMove NNo
6 lMove ENo
2 jMove SNo
4 hMove WNo
9 uMove NWNo
3 nMove SENo
1 bMove SWNo
7 yMove NWNo
q QQuitNo
space . 5WaitNo
<Go upstairsNo
>Go downstairsNo
aRandom Teleportyes
CPlayer Datano/yes
pControl creature with puppetryyes
PRelease Creature from puppetryyes

(30Oct99) (Sometime later) Ok here it's my source: cns-000.tgz
The chmod is wrong, because I used a copy in one of my vfat drives.
The well know rogue-dungeon type is break too. I have a good version written somewhere (just coded it at University and the printed copy mixed with 300 pages of Mathematical Statistics :-(
The curses colours need to be fixed, I tried to simplify the funtions and instead I fumbled them. You have the control of the X monster (Well actually is represented by an \, see previous line) This feature was a testing for future "shadow spells"/party group control. As the program makes no difference between player and monster, more than one creature can be pointed to read the input from keyboard. (Idea: Add a key to activate/deactivate companions ... not mine just from Team/Party/Don't-remenber-sorry Angband)

(30Oct99) A long time... I managed to scracth a couple of hours to redesign CnS and changed large parts of the code.
The character generation stuff is not redone (Sorry sometimes I'm too lazy!)
I'll post the code in some hours if anybody is interested but it's mostly crap.

(??Aug99) Human documents are here too.

(6Jun99) First draft of troll documents here.
The finished the maze generation routines. Check here to see them with a sample output

(24May99) Some HTML bugs fixed in the cave generation file (forgot to put < in HTML code).

(18May99) Some graphical ideas to generate tiles that really show what the player have.

(17May99) Ops, Last time I writed the wrong date, was 13 not 15.
This is an example of the work of my cave generation code. It creates neatly fair and allways connected caves. Just check it using fixed width fonts.
This code is inspired in Linzey Henzel's Dungeon Crawl, but simply add a "natural corridor" between stair (Err. chasm... there is no stair in natural caves).
A sample of the funtions used are here, is written in C and compiled using GNU C compiler.

(13May99) After a disk clean i discovered that i accidentaly deleted the character generation routines and allmost all io stuff ... :-{ But in i'm sure that i will rewrite them in no more than 4 hours.

I have finished the creation of the cave levels, next will be adding of "pregenerated rooms" to dungeon levels

Pregenerated rooms will be to add flavour to the game and some feeling of "roleplaying". First will be guard post and throne rooms, next kitchens and bedrooms. This rooms are created simply adding items and features to a normal room or from a template.

Just click here to read my ideas for outdoors maps (long)

(08May99)Well the game is not here yet :-(
This is the list of Magical realms.

In the creation of a character you will select a race and a basic template from 4 (Warrior, Rogue, Spell User, Priest) and make some posterior choices for magic, weapons and skills.

F. Ex. If you select a Troll, Priest with Nature and Death Magic , a heavy staff as a weapon and no special skills, you will get a "Troll Shaman"

You can also select a Troll Shaman character from the starting templates.

The equipment given will macht the skill of the character, if you select with a warrior "Fencing combo" as "weapon" you will get a rapier, a main gauche, a set of fine clothes and a fancy hat, instead of the chain mail & weapon that most warriors get. (And the class will be "Duelist" instead)

(23Apr99)In this space you will see in the next weeks how my roguelike game grows.

"Claw and Sword" features a very detailed character creation system, with 7 magic realms (4 elementals and 3 divine), more than 30 skills, 12 types of weapons, 5 races, 4 basic classes and more than 30 subclasses (from halfling slinger to shaman troll).

In the first release, you only can create a character (using detailed creation or using templates)

This will be released as source code for Linux using curses.(Not very difficult to port).

© 1999