How Self-Help Groups Can Control Dual Disorders

An AA Member's Journey out of Depression into a Life Beyond His Wildest Dreams by Jim S

This book is dedicated to a high school English teacher. She made me feel as if I was worth something. I was not a good student, but she still encouraged me. She planted a seed that maybe I could write someday.
Copyright 2003 by Jim S.


This book could not have been possible without the help of a number of people in 12-step fellowships who helped by editing and by giving me many suggestions. Of particular help were Jim, Cheryl, Lori, Ken, Mary Jane, and Beth. My sponsor, Jamie, ensured that I would complete it by giving me encouragement and commands.

My wife was very gracious in putting up with me being holed up in my room for many hours. I could not have written more than a page or so without her help. Spelling words of more than four letters is nearly impossible for me. Spell checkers, dictionaries, and books of synonyms are very helpful. But I was often close to tears trying to spell when I did not know and could not find the first letter or two of a word. In those tearful times, my wife was my savior. She always gave me the help I needed.

Table of Contents


Part One: My Story

What It Was Like

Early life: A trouble maker

Junior and Senior High School: the class clown

College: A success then an utter failure

After College: An empty life

AA: A Transformation

What Happened

How it felt to join AA

What I found in AA

How significant others felt

Depression and Recovery, Inc.

Service Work

Overeaters Anonymous


Narcotics Anonymous

Adult Children of Alcoholics


My Sponsors

Job Burnout

Problems in Recovery

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

How it is Today

Physical Health

Mental Health



Part Two: What I learned through self-help programs

Old ideas I had to give up

I have to be exceptional

I have to always be right

I can never be afraid

I need to fall asleep instantly

I can never be sad

Poor me, look what they did

God dealt me a raw deal

I am all alone and unlovable

Other people are perfect

My only problem is the booze

How to cope with nervousness and mood swings

Put one foot in front of the other

Work out

Talk to others who support you

Write in a journal

Pray and mediate

Look beyond your emotions

Take time to dream

Do First Things First

Be good to yourself

Make a decision and act on it

Pat yourself on the back

Get off the center of the universe

Take care of responsibilities

Think, Think, Think!

Control Thyself

Mind your own business

Don't Judge

Stick with the winners

Get an attitude of gratitude

Get some acceptance

Strive for humility




How to get in touch with support groups

Should I take medication

How does medication work

Inside the bipolar mind

Twelve Steps

Twelve Step slogans and quotes

What self-help groups do

What goes on in a Twelve Step Meeting

What goes on in a Recovery Inc. Meeting

Recommended Reading Untitled