May 24

Ugh.  Yep,  I'm in Europe.  I'm sick as a dog (the tour nurse advises some cancer tests when I get home...  eep.) and I lost my voice for the first few days.  I'm having a good time asides from that,  though,  Germany was really pleasant.  I stayed with a family in a rural part just outside of Leverkusen on a cute farm-type place.  It was great to have fresh air and a little lofty place to write and relax.

The first few days were just a blur of staging in new theatres,  doing shows and trying in vain to get over the various things I was dealing with.  The pain medication is helping nicely,  but it still sucks a fair amount to be hobbling about like a goose onstage (and off.)

One problem is that the stairs were very steep in Germany.  It was almost impossible for me to climb them (since I was doubled over for most of my time there.)  Blah.

My voice is back now.  Just in time for a few concerts tomorrow.

Oh yeah,  I'm in Purmeran (somewhat near Amsterdam) right now and I'm having a great time.  For some unknown reason,  I was asked to sight-read the women's soprano chorus part in the choral thing I was in today (Carmina Burana by Carl Orff,  if you're interested) during the dress rehearsal.  Hee hee.  So,  lil' old me was singing with the women (including VERY high C's) in the performance.  So,  I'm feeling pretty good about that one.

Oh,  and my friend is scanning some pictures of me when I ger back...   Eeee!

So,  I guess I'll elaborate more when I'm on a computer that I can actually type.