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dbMax Computer Consultants


ILEAP Client Database System developed in MS Access 2000; National MS Society - Colorado Chapter.

Student Unit-Record Data System (SURDS) developed in SQL Server 2000; Colorado Commission of Higher Education (CCHE).

Lease Database System developed in Access 2000; CCHE.

Capital Assets Process Database System developed in Access 2000; CCHE.

Model Simulation and Backup System; developed in Visual Basic and Windows API functions; confidential client.

Document Control System; developed in MS Access; confidential client.

LDMS - Laboratory Database Management System -uploading of electronic data from geochemical labs; query and reporting.

ETI - Electronic Transfer to IRPIMS database. Sophisticated; Lab QA checker and data conversion program.

Database Management System for large Air Force Base in Oklahoma - easy entry of environmental data and quick reports.

Kaleli Medical Associates; Medical Billing Database.

KFLDST - Permeability from Limited Drill Stem Test Data; capable of processing data from several million tests; various clients.