Experience God through Obedience
God reveals Himself to His people by what He does.  When God works through you to accomplish His purposes, you come to know God by experience.  You also come to know God when He meets a need in your life.

If you are obedient, God will work some wonderful things through you.  Moses obeyed God throughout his early life.  It wasn't that Moses started obeying God when he was called.  Moses cannot obey God in his later life if he hadn't obeyed God all along his life.

You see, God will not be able to use Moses if he hadn't been obedient all along.  Sure, there weren't big things to do in the wilderness.  But he learnt to be obedient in small things.  Remember what Jesus said, if you are faithful in small things, you will be faithful in big things (Lk 16:10).

Let us not be proud when God does work through us.  Let us be mindful to give God the glory and not boast of our own doing.

Now, there are some questions that many of you must be asking, if not now, you would have asked some time in your life.

1.  Why does God seem to be working so slowly in my life?

Perhaps you may feel that God is not working in your life.  Or that you don't feel Him at all in your life.

Ask yourself these questions:
*  am I responding to all God already is leading me to do?
*  have I obeyed all I already know to be His will?
*  do I really believe that God loves me and will always do what is best and right for me?
*  am I willing to patiently wait on His timing, and obey everything I know to do in the meantime?

Chances are that we have missed the whole point wanting to see God work through us.  He can only work through us if He thinks we are ready.  And if we don't see Him work through us, it is because we are not ready and His time has not yet come.

We need to learn daily how to please Him, how to be obedient to Him in all that we know now.  We cannot help God do His work by our own strength.  Moses can't, we sure cannot.  Let's not rush God because He knows that we are not ready.  It's that we are not aware that we are not ready.

Even after over 3 years with Jesus, Peter said to Jesus that he was willing to go to prison with Him and even to death.  Remember what happened?  He denied Jesus 3 times.

We will not be truly blessed if we don't get ourselves right in the love relationship with Jesus Christ.  It is not a life of chance, it is a life of obedience.  And obedience brings blessings in our lives.  That's a condition.  And this takes time.  There is no short cut.  Even with Moses, it took 80 years.

2.   What happens when I obey and the doors seem to close?

God works in wonderful ways.  Closing a door does not mean that God does not want to use you.  Perhaps it's a matter of timing.  Or perhaps God wants to use you where you are.

You see, we may have ideas of how to serve God.  But God has His intents of using us where we are because we are already there.  God wants to work through us to demonstrate Himself to you and the people around you wherever you may be.

God didn't call Moses from Syria to go to Eygpt to lead the Israelites out of Eygpt.  Moses was already in Eygpt.  Sure there are times when God calls us to go to another place to work.  Like the time God called Jonah to Nineveh or Paul to Macedonia.  But these are special times.

If we cannot be used where we are, how sure are you that God can use you in another place?  I remember a story by Dawson Trotman, the founder of the Navigators.  He related an incident once when he was part of an interview committee for missions.  He asked this young man why he felt so much to go to China so preach.  Then he asked the young man if he ever preached where he lived and led anyone around him to Christ.  He said no but he was very convinced that God wanted to use him in China. 

Dawson Trotman turned down the application for this young man.  He said that if you are not obedient to God where you are right now, how can you be obedient to God in a place where everything is so different.

God is working in us right now.  But how much He can do is dependent on how OBEDIENT we are to Him.
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