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Arena Football

Arena Football is a played on a smaller scale. It is always played in an arena with padded walls as the boundaries. There are only 8 players on each side of the ball instead of 11 and only 50 yards instead of 100. The goal posts are about half the size also and there is a net that stretches across both endzones. The net lets players to return kicks that bounce off the net. The gameplay is quite different also. There is no punting and the recievers are able to get a running head start before crossing the line of scrimmage. It is a great game. For the complete rules and more in depth explanations go here

The Arena Football players are the same players as in the nfl, just fewer linemen and they play both sides of the ball. A team can have an offensive specialist and a defensive specialist that only play one side. Like the quarterback, he only plays on offense. But wide recievers, running backs, and offensive linemen play on defense as defensive backs (cornerbacks and safeties), as linebackers, and as defensive linemen. One cool thing about the afl is anyone can join the team. Each team in the afl holds tryouts that are open to anyone. If you are good enough you could be on the team. There is only a 20 man roster for those who can play during the game though. If you want more information, or possible interested in trying out for a team go to for all of the information.