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The herioic XVIII Airborne Corps of Fort Bragg enjoying a loaf of  Kenny's Traditional Footbread in Iraq.  (Support the Troops) 


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On your next trip to Russia be sure to visit the Bread Museum located in St. Petersburg.  You will learn about the history of bread (and footbread) in relation to the culture and development of the Soviet Union.  













The following is an actual email I received after a successful weekend of selling Footbread at the Moss Street Market.

"I was in Victoria on the July 4th weekend and had the opportunity to taste your bread at the Moss Street Market.  At first I thought it was the most bizarre food product I have ever seen and wondered if I was being filmed for Candid Camera.  One of your models, Wendy, gave me a sample and I found it oddly delicious.  I bought a loaf and it was the best bread I ever tasted.  Thanks Kenny and say hi to Wendy for me"

July 12, 2004, Larry, Port Angeles, Washington

Thank you Larry.  You see, Larry was open minded to try Footbread and he called it "the best bread I ever tasted"  Now if more people were like Larry, the world would realize what bread is supposed to taste like.  Unfortunately most bread you buy today is just chemical and preserve filled dough.  I look forward to seeing all of my Footbread fans next year at the Moss Street Market.
