First Lab  Exam
Class average:
90 and above:
80 - 89:
70 - 79:
60 - 69:
below 60:

Second Lab Exam
Class average:
90 and above:
80 - 89:
70 - 79:
60 - 69:
below 60:


Exam Statistics

First Lecture Exam
Class average:
90 and above:
80 - 89:
70 - 79:
60 - 69:
below 60:

Second Lecture Exam
Class average:
90 and above:
80 - 89:
70 - 79:
60 - 69:
below 60:

Third Lecture Exam
Class average:
90 and above:
80 - 89:
70 - 79:
60 - 69:
below 60:

Fourth Lecture Exam
Class average:
90 and above:
80 - 89:
70 - 79:
60 - 69:
below 60:
Fifth Lecture  Exam
Class average:
90 and above:
80 -89:
70 - 79:
60 - 69:
below 60: