Refereed publications
1. Kapás, L., F. Obál, Jr., B. Penke, and F. Obál.  Cholecystokinin-octapeptide-induced hypothermia in rats:  dose-effect and structure-effect relationships, effect of ambient temperature, pharmacological  interactions and tolerance.  Neuropharmacol. 26: 131-137, 1987.

2. Kapás, L., F. Obál, Jr., P. Alföldi, G. Rubicsek, B. Penke, and F. Obál.  Effects of  nocturnal intraperitoneal administration of cholecystokinin in rats: simultaneous increase in sleep, increase in EEG slow-wave activity, reduction of motor activity, suppression of eating, and decrease in brain temperature.  Brain Res. 438: 155-164, 1988.

3. Kapás, L., G. Benedek, and B. Penke.  Cholecystokinin interferes with the thermoregulatory effect of exogenous and endogenous opioids.  Neuropeptides 14: 85-92, 1989.

4. Krueger, J. M., M. Opp, L. A. Toth, and L. Kapás.  Immune regulation, hormones and  sleep.  In:  Horne, J. (Ed.), Sleep '90.  Bochum:  Pontenagel Press, 1990, pp. 371-374.

5. Kapás, L., F. Obál, Jr., I. Farkas, L. C. Payne, G. Sáry, G. Rubicsek, and J. M. Krueger.  Cholecystokinin promotes sleep and reduces food intake in diabetic rats.  Physiol. Behav. 50: 417-420, 1991.

6. Kapás, L., L. Payne, F. Obál, Jr., M. Opp, L. Johannsen, and J. M. Krueger.  Sleep in diabetic rats:  effects of interleukin 1.  Am. J. Physiol. 260: R995-R999, 1991.

7. Kapás, L., F. Obál, Jr., M. R. Opp, L. Johannsen, and J. M. Krueger.  Intraperitoneal injection of cholecystokinin elicits sleep in rabbits.  Physiol. Behav. 50: 1241-1244, 1991.

8. Obál, Jr., F., L. Payne, L., Kapás, M. Opp, and J. M. Krueger.  Inhibition of growth hormone-releasing factor suppresses both sleep and growth hormone secretion.  Brain Res. 557: 149-153, 1991.

9. Krueger, J. M., L. Kapás, M. R. Opp, and F. Obál, Jr.  Prostaglandins E2 and D2 have little effect on rabbit sleep.  Physiol. Behav. 51: 481-485, 1992.

10. Kapás, L., L. Hong, A. Cady, M. R. Opp, A. E. Postlethwaite, J. M. Seyer, and J. M. Krueger.  Somnogenic, pyrogenic, and anorectic activities of tumor necrosis factor * (TNF*), and TNF* fragments.  Am. J. Physiol. 263: R708-R715, 1992.

11. Kapás, L., and J. M. Krueger.  Tumor necrosis factor * induces sleep, fever, and anorexia.  Am. J. Physiol. 263: R703-R707, 1992.

12. Obál, Jr., F., L. Payne, M. Opp, P. Alföldi, L. Kapás, and J. M. Krueger.  Antibodies to growth hormone-releasing hormone suppresses sleep and prevent enhancement of sleep after sleep deprivation.  Am. J. Physiol. 263: R1078-R1085, 1992.

13. Kapás, L., M. Shibata, M. Kimura, and J. M. Krueger.  Inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis suppresses sleep in rabbits.  Am. J. Physiol. 266: R151-R157, 1994.

14. Johannsen, L., F. Obál, Jr., L. Kapás, V. Kovalzon, and J. M. Krueger.  Somnogenic activity of muramyl peptide-derived immune adjuvants.  Int. J. Immunopharmacol. 16:109-116, 1994.

15. Obál, F. Jr., L. Payne, B. Kacsóh, M. Opp, L. Kapás, C. E. Grosvenor, and J. M. Krueger.  Involvement of prolactin in the REM sleep promoting activity of systemic vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP).  Brain Res. 645:143-149, 1994.

16. Kapás, L., J. Fang, and J. M. Krueger.  Inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis suppresses sleep in rats.  Brain Res. 664:189-196, 1994.

17. Knefati, M., C. Somogyi, L. Kapás, T. Bourcier, and J. M. Krueger.  Acidic fibroblast growth factor (FGF) but not basic FGF induces sleep and fever in rabbits.  Am. J. Physiol. 269:R87-R91, 1995.

18.  Takahashi, S., L. Kapás, J. Fang, and J. M. Krueger.  An anti-tumor necrosis factor antibody suppresses sleep in rats and rabbits.  Brain. Res.  690:241-244, 1995.

19. Takahashi, S., D. D. Tooley, L. Kapás, J. Fang, J. M. Seyer, and J. M. Krueger. Inhibition of tumor necrosis factor in the brain suppresses rabbit sleep.  Pflügers Archiv,  431:155-160, 1995.

20. Ayers, N. A., L. Kapás, and J. M. Krueger.  Circadian variation in brain nitric oxide synthase activities and cytosolic protein concentrations in rats, Brain Res., 707:127-130, 1996.

21. Kapás, L., F. Obál Jr., A. A. Book, J. B. Schweitzer, R. G. Wiley, and J. M. Krueger.  The effects of immunolesion of nerve growth factor-receptive neurons by 192 IgG-saporin on sleep, Brain Res., 712:53-59, 1996.

22. Fincher IV, E. F., L. Johannsen, L. Kapás, S. Takahashi, and J. M. Krueger.  Microglia digest Staphylococcus aureus into low molecular weight biologically active compounds, Am. J. Physiol., 271:R149-R156, 1996. 

23. Takahashi, S., L. Kapás, J. Fang, J. M. Seyer, Y. Wang, and J. M. Krueger.  An interleukin-1 receptor fragment inhibits spontaneous sleep and muramyl dipeptide-induced sleep in rabbits, Am. J. Physiol., 271:R101-R108, 1996.

24. Obál, F. Jr., R. Floyd, L. Kapás, B. Bodosi, and J. M. Krueger.  Effects of systemic GHRH on sleep in intact and hypophysectomized rats, Am. J. Physiol., 270:E230-E237, 1996.

25. Takahashi, S., L. Kapás, and J. M. Krueger.  A tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor fragment attenuates TNF-a- and muramyl dipeptide-induced sleep and fever in rabbits, J. Sleep Res., 5:106-114, 1996.

26. Kapás, L. and J. M. Krueger.  Nitric oxide donors SIN-1 and SNAP promote non-rapid-eye-movement sleep in rats, Brain Res. Bull., 41:293-298, 1996.

27. Takahashi, S., L. Kapás, J. M. Seyer, Y. Wang, and J. M. Krueger.  Inhibition of tumor necrosis factor attenuates physiological sleep in rabbits, Neuroreport, 7:642-646, 1996.

28. Ayers, N. A., L. Kapás, and J. M. Krueger. The inhibitory effects of Nw-nitro-L-arginine methylester on nitric oxide synthase activity vary among brain regions in vivo but not in vitro, Neurochem. Res., 22:81-86, 1997.

29.  Chang, H.-Y. and L. Kapás.  The effects of CCK-4 and non-sulfated CCK-8 on sleep, EEG slow-wave activity and brain temperature in rats, Physiol. Behav., 62:175-179, 1997.

30.  Takahashi, S., J. Fang, L. Kapás, Y. Wang, and J. M. Krueger.  Inhibition of brain interleukin-1 attenuates sleep rebound after sleep deprivation in rabbits, Am. J. Physiol., 273:R677-82, 1997.

31.    Hansen, M., L. Kapás, J. Fang, and J. M. Krueger.  Cafeteria diet-induced sleep is blocked by subdiaphragmatic vagotomy in rats, Am. J. Physiol., 274:R168-R174, 1998.

32. Kapás, L., M. K. Hansen, H.-Y. Chang, and J. M. Krueger.  Vagotomy attenuates but does not prevent the somnogenic and febrile effects of lipopolysaccharide in rats, Am. J. Physiol., 274: R406-R411, 1998.

33. Kimura, M., L. Kapás, and J. M. Krueger.  The effects of oxidized glutathione on rabbit sleep, Brain Res. Bull., 45:545-548, 1998.

34. Obál, F. Jr., L. Kapás, B. Bodosi, and J. M. Krueger.  Changes in sleep response to intracerebral injection of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) in the rat, Sleep Res. Online, 1:87-91, 1998.

35. Obál, F. Jr., L. Kapás, and J. M. Krueger.  Albumin enhances sleep in the young rat, Physiol. Behav., 64:261-266, 1998.

36. Obál, F., L. Kapás, J. Gardi, P. Taishi, B. Bodosi, and J. M. Krueger.  Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1)-induced inhibition of growth hormone secretion is associated with sleep suppression.  Brain Res., 818:267-274, 1999.

37. Takahashi, S., L. Kapás, J. Fang, and J. M. Krueger.  Somnogenic relationships between tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-1.  Am. J. Physiol., 276:R1132-R1140, 1999.

38. Roky, R., L. Kapás, P. Taishi, J. Fang, and J. M. Krueger. Food restriction alters the diurnal distribution of sleep in rats.  Physiol. Behav., 67:697-703, 1999.

39. Ribeiro, A. C, J. Gilligan, and L. Kapás.  Systemic injection of a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor suppresses sleep responses to sleep deprivation in rats.  Am. J. Physiol., 278:R1048-R1056, 2000.

40. Shemyakin, A. and L. Kapás. L-364,718, a cholecystokinin-A receptor antagonist, suppresses feeding-induced sleep in rats (in press).


1. Krueger, J. M., L. Johannsen, L. A. Toth, M. Opp, and L. Kapás.  CNS Mechanisms for sleep responses to microbial challenge. In:  Frederickson, R. C. A, J. L. McGaugh, and D. L. Felten (Eds.), Peripheral Signaling of the Brain:  Role in Neural-Immune Interactions, Learning and Memory.  Toronto:  Hogrefe and Huber, 1991, pp. 179-191.

2. Krueger, J. M., M. R. Opp, L. A. Toth, L. Johannsen, and L. Kapás.  Cytokines and sleep.  Current Topics in Neuroendocrinology 10: 243-261, 1990.

3. Opp, M. R., L. Kapás, and L. Toth.  Cytokine involvement in the regulation of sleep.  Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 201: 16-27, 1992.

4. Kapás, L., F. Obál, Jr., and J. M. Krueger.  Humoral regulation of sleep.  Int. Rev. Neurobiol. 35: 131-160, 1993.

5. Obál, Jr., F., L. Payne, M. Opp, L. Kapás, P. Alföldi, and J. M. Krueger.  Hypothalamic releasing hormones in sleep regulation.  In:  Simrne, S., Franceschi, M., Ferini-Strambi, L., and Zucconi, M. (Eds.), Sleep Hormones and Immunological System.  Milano:  Masson, 1992, pp. 91-98.

6. Krueger, J. M., L. A. Toth, F. Obál, Jr., M. R. Opp, M. Kimura-Takeuchi, and L. Kapás.  Infections, cytokines and sleep. In: Simrne, S., Franceschi, M., Ferini-Strambi, L., and Zucconi, M. (Eds.), Sleep Hormones and Immunological System.  Milano:  Masson, 1992, 59-70.

7. Krueger, J. M., M. R. Opp, L. Kapás, M. Kimura-Takeuchi, and L. Toth.  Muramyl peptides and interleukin-1 in sleep regulation.  In:  Murison, R., et al. (Eds.), Endocrine and Nutritional Control of Basic Biological Functions.  Hogrefe & Huber Publishers (in press).

8. Krueger, J. M., L. Kapás, M. Kimura, and M. Opp.  Somnogenic cytokines:  methods and overview.  In:  Souza, D. (Ed.), Methods in Neuroscience, Vol. 17, Neurobiology of cytokines.  Orlando, FL:  Academic Press, 1993, pp. 111-129.  Mohan Kumar, V., H. N. Mallick, and U. Nayar (Eds.), Sleep-wakefulness.  New Delhi:  Wiley  Eastern, 1993, pp. 11-15.

9. Krueger, J. M., L. A. Toth, R. Floyd, J. Fang, L. Kapás, S. Bredow, and F. Obál, Jr.  Sleep, microbes and cytokines.  Neuroimmunomodulation 1:100-109, 1994.

10.  Kapás, L., M. Shibata, and J. M. Krueger.  The role of cytokines in sleep,  fever and anorexia.  In:  Aggarwal, B. B., and R. K. Puri (Eds.), Human Cytokines:  Their Role in Disease and Therapy.  Cambridge, MA:  Blackwell, 1995, pp. 305-314.

11. Krueger, J. M., F. Obál Jr., L. Kapás, and J. Fang.  Brain organization and sleep function  Behav. Brain Res. 69:177-185, 1995.

12.  Krueger, J. M., S. Takahashi, L. Kapás, S. Bredow, R. Roky, J. Fang, R. Floyd, K. B. Renegar, N. Guha-Thakurta, S. Novitsky, and F. Obál Jr.  Cytokines in sleep regulation.  Advances in Neuroimmunology. 5:171-188, 1995.

13.  Kapás, L. and J. M. Krueger.  Interactive effects of cytokines in the brain: sleep, fever and anorexia. In: Marsh, J. A. and Kendall, M. D. (Eds.), The Physiology of Immunity.  Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1996, pp. 157-167.


1. Kapás, L., A. B. Cady, M. Opp, A. E. Postlethwaite, J. M. Seyer, and J. M.  Krueger.  Somnogenic and pyrogenic activity of TNFa, TNFb and fragments of TNFa. J. Immunopharmacol. 13, 1991.

2. Kapás, L., A. B. Cady, M. R. Opp, A. E. Postlethwaite, J. M. Seyer, and J. M. Krueger.  Somnogenic and pyrogenic activity of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFa), -beta (TNFb), and fragments of TNFa.  Soc. Neurosci. Abst. 17 (Part I):  pp. 882, 1991.

3. Kapás, L., F. Obál, Jr., P. Alföldi, G. Rubicsek, B. Penke, and F. Obál.  Sleep elicited by peripheral injection of cholecystokinin in rats.  Neuroscience 22: p. S841, 1987.

4. Kapás, L., M. Opp, M. Kimura-Takeuchi, and J. M. Krueger.  Peripheral prostaglandins do not mediate the hypnogenic effects of interleukin 1.  Sleep Res. 20A: p. 35, 1991.

5. Kapás, L., M. R. Opp, L. Johannsen, and J. M. Krueger.  Divergent effects of central and peripheral injections of cholecystokinin (CCK) on sleep-wake activity in rabbits.  Sleep Res. 19: p. 18, 1990.

6. Kapás, L., F. Obál, Jr., I. Farkas, L. C. Payne, G. Sáry, G. Rubicsek, and  J. M. Krueger.  Hypnogenic and anorectic effects of CCK persist in vagotomized and diabetic rats.  Eur. Sleep Res. Soc. Abstracts. p. 93, 1990.

7. Kapás, L., L. Payne, F. Obál, Jr., M. Opp, L. Johannsen, and J. M. Krueger,  Hypnogenic effects of interleukin-1? (IL-1?) persist in diabetic rats.  J. Immunopharmacol. 13, 1991.

8. Kapás, L., L. C. Payne, F. Obál, Jr., M. Opp, L. Johannsen, and J. M.  Krueger.  Sleep and insulin:  the effects of interleukin 1 in diabetic rats.  Sleep Res. 20: p. 95, 1991.

9. Krueger, J. M., L. Kapás, M. R. Opp, and F. Obál, Jr.  Effects of  prostaglandins E2 and D2 on rabbit sleep.  Sleep Res. 20A: p. 151, 1991.

10. Obál, Jr., F, L. Payne, L. Kapás, M. Opp, P. Alföldi, and J. M. Krueger.  Growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) in sleep regulation.  Sleep Res. 20A: p. 192, 1991.

11. Opp, M., F. Obál, Jr., L. Kapás, L. Johannsen, and J. M. Krueger.  Temporal and dose- related responsiveness of rats to interleukin-1 (IL1).  Sleep Res. 19: p. 101, 1990.

12. Payne, L. C., F. Obál, Jr., L. Kapás, and J. M. Krueger.  Somnogenic doses of GHRH and IL1 induce GH but not PRL release in rats.  Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 16 (Part 1): p. 868, 1990.

13. Kapás, L., M. Shibata, and J. M. Krueger.  Suppression of sleep after systemic or central injections of N-nitro-L-arginine, an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthesis.  Sleep Res. 21: p. 34, 1992.

14. Obál, Jr., F., L. Payne, Kacsóh, B, P. Alföldi, M. Opp, L. Kapás, and J. M.  Krueger.  Promotion of REM sleep by prolactin in the male rat.  J. Sleep Res. 1 (Suppl. 1): p. 163, 1992.

15. Kapás, L., M. Shibata, and J. M. Krueger.  Inhibition of nitric oxide  synthesis suppresses sleep in rabbits.  J. Sleep Res. 1 (Suppl. 1): p. 111, 1992.

16. Kapás, L., M. Shibata, and J. M. Krueger.  Inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis suppresses spontaneous sleep and transiently delays interleukin-1 (IL-1)-induced sleep but not fever.  Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 18 (Part 1): p. 881, 1992.

17. Kapás, L., and J. M. Krueger.  Effects of naloxone pretreatment on interleukin 1-induced sleep and fever.  Sleep Res. 22: p. 435, 1993.

18. Kapás, L., M. Shibata, and J. M. Krueger.  Inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis results in long-lasting sleep loss in rats.  Sleep Res. 22: p. 8, 1993.

19. Obál, Jr., F., L. Payne, M. Opp, L. Kapás, P. Alföldi, and J. M. Krueger.  Growth hormone-releasing hormone is a physiological sleep factor.  Sleep Res. 22: p. 503, 1993.

20. Kapás, L., M. Kimura, J. Fang, and J. M. Krueger.  Microinjection of nitric oxide synthesis inhibitor into the brainstem suppresses sleep in rats.  Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 19 (Part 3): p. 1814, 1993.

21. Kapás, L., and J. M. Krueger.  The effects of a nitric oxide donor, S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP), on sleep in rats.  Sleep Res., 23: p. 11, 1994.

22. Takahashi, S., D. D. Tooley, L. Kapás, J. M. Seyer, and J. M. Krueger.  A  soluble tumor necrosis factor binding protein and its fragment suppress spontaneous sleep in rabbits.  Sleep Res., 23: p.39, 1994.

23. Knefati, M., L. Kapás, T. Bourcier, and J. M. Krueger.  Acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF) but not basic FGF (bFGF) induces sleep in rabbits.  Sleep Res., 23: p.12, 1994.

24. Kapás, L., and J. M. Krueger.  Involvement of nitric oxide in sleep regulation.  J. Sleep Res., 3 (Suppl. 1): p.121, 1994.

25. Kapás, L., and J. M. Krueger.  Anti-tumor necrosis factor antibody suppresses spontaneous NREM sleep in rats.  J. Sleep Res., 3 (Suppl. 1): p.121, 1994.

26. Obál, Jr., F., R. Floyd, L. Kapás, J. Fang, P. Alföldi, and J. M. Krueger.  Effects of systemic growth hormone-releasing hormone on sleep in hypophysectomized rats.  J. Sleep Res., 3 (Suppl. 1): p.182, 1994.

27. Kimura, M., L. Kapás, and J. M. Krueger.  Oxidized glutathione promotes NREM sleep in rabbits.  Psych.  Clin.  Neurosci., 49: S22, 1995.

28. Kapás, L. and J. M. Krueger.  Intracerebroventricular (icv) injection of the nitric oxide donors SNAP and SIN-1 induces sleep in rats.   Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., Vol. 20, Part 1, p.150, 1994.

29. Takahashi, S., L. Kapás, J. Fang, and J. M. Krueger.  Anti-tumor necrosis factor antibody suppresses spontaneous sleep in rabbits. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., Vol. 20, Part 1, p.150, 1994.

30. Takahashi, S., L. Kapás, J. Fang, J. M. Seyer, and J. M. Krueger.  TNF receptor fragment suppresses spontaneous sleep in rabbits.  2nd International Cytokine Conference, 1995.

31. Ayers, N. A., L. Kapás, and J. M. Krueger.  Brain nitric oxide synthase activity and sleep.  Sleep Res. 24: p. 36, 1995.

32. Kapás, L., F. Obál Jr., A. A. Book, J. B. Schweitzer, R. G. Wiley, and J. M. Krueger.  The effects of lesion of nerve growth factor-receptive neurons on sleep.  Sleep Res. 24: p. 8, 1995.

33.  Kapás, L., N. A. Ayers and  J. M. Krueger.  Circadian variation in brain nitric oxide synthase activity.   Sleep Res. 24A:  p. 106, 1995.

34. Kapás, L., N. A. Ayers and J. M. Krueger.  Cytosolic protein concentration of various brain regions has a pronounced circadian rhythm.  Sleep Res. 24A:  p. 105, 1995.

35. Roky, R., L. Kapás, J. Fang and J. M. Krueger.  Restricted feeding to the light period affects the circadian rhythm of sleep and brain temperature of rat.  Sleep Res. 24A:  p. 540, 1995.

36. Takahashi, S., L. Kapás, M. Hansen, Z. Zhang, J. M. Seyer and J. M. Krueger.  An interleukin-1 (IL-1) soluble receptor fragment inhibits IL-1b-induced sleep and non-rapid-eye-movement sleep rebound after sleep deprivation in rabbits.  Sleep Res. 24A:  p. 457, 1995.

37.  Takahashi, S., L. Kapás, Y. Wang, J. M. Seyer, and J. M. Krueger.  Inhibition of tumor necrosis factor attenuates sleep rebound after sleep deprivation. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., Vol. 21, Part 1, p. 454, 1995.

38. Kapás, L. and J. M. Krueger.  The effects of nitric oxide donors SIN-1 and SNAP on EEG power spectrum in rats. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., Vol. 21, Part 1, p. 451, 1995.

39.  Ayers, N. A., L. Kapás, and J. M. Krueger.  Circadian cycling of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity and cytosolic protein content in rat brain. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., Vol. 21, Part 2, p. 868, 1995.

40. Takahashi, S., L. Kapás, J. M. Seyer, and J. M. Krueger.  Tumor necrosis factor-induced sleep is partially mediated via interleukin-1.  Naito Conference on Neuro-immuno-endocrine networks, 1995, Abstract.

41. Kapás, L., M. Shibata, M. Kimura, J. Fang, and J. M. Krueger.  Inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis suppresses sleep in rats and rabbits. The Role of Nitric Oxide in the Central Nervous System; Satellite Symposium for the IV. IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, Otsu, Japan, 1995, Abstracts.

42. Takahashi, S., L. Kapás, J. M. Seyer, Y. Wang, and J. M. Krueger.  Inhibition of tumor necrosis factor attenuates the sleep responses induced by increases in ambient temperature in rabbits.  Sleep Res. 25: p. 33, 1996.
43. Takahashi, S., L. Kapás, J. Fang, J. M. Seyer, and J. M. Krueger.  Somnogenic relationships between interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor.  Sleep Res. 25: p. 31, 1996.

44. Takahashi, S., L. Kapás, J. M. Seyer, and J. M. Krueger.  Systemic administration of an interleukin-1 (IL-1) soluble receptor fragment inhibits spontaneous non-rapid-eye-movement sleep in rabbits.  Sleep Res. 25: p. 32, 1996.

45. Hansen, M. K., L. Kapás, and J. M. Krueger.  The effects of food deprivation and refeeding on sleep, EEG slow-wave activity, and brain temperature.  Sleep Res. 25: p. 45, 1996.

46. Kapás, L.  LY-288,513, a cholecystokinin (CCK)-B receptor antagonist, inhibits CCK-induced sleep.  Sleep Res. 25: p. 12, 1996.

47. Kapás, L. Cholecystokinin (CCK)-induced sleep is suppressed by LY-288,513, a CCK-B receptor antagonist. J. Sleep Res. 5 (suppl. 1): p. 103, 1996.

48. Takahashi, S.,  L. Kapás, and J. M. Krueger.  Tumor necrosis factor and sleep regulation. J. Sleep Res. 5 (suppl. 1): p. 225, 1996.

49. Fang, J., K. B. Renegar, L. Kapás, Y. Wang, and J. M. Krueger.  The IL1 type I receptor and the TNF 55-kD receptor are involved in sleep regulation.  J. Sleep Res. 5 (suppl. 1): p. 62, 1996.

50. Floyd, R. A., L. Kapás, and J. M. Krueger.  Central infusion of nitric oxide decreases natural killer cell activity. J. Sleep Res. 5 (suppl. 1): p. 65, 1996.

51. Kapás, L.  Nitric oxide and sleep regulation. J. Sleep Res. 5 (suppl. 1): p. 103, 1996.

52. Takahashi, S., S. Gala, L. Kapás, and J. M. Krueger.  Nerve growth factor enhances sleep in rabbits.   Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., Vol. 22., Part 1., p. 147, 1996.

53. Fang, J., L. Kapás, Y. Wang, and J. M. Krueger.  The TNF 55-kD receptor and the IL1 type receptor are involved in physiological sleep regulation.  Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., Vol. 22., Part 1., p. 147, 1996.

54. Chang, H.-Y. and L. Kapás.  The effects of CCK-8NS and CCK-4 on sleep, slow wave activity of the EEG and brain temperature in rats.  Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., Vol. 22., Part 1., p. 147, 1996.

55. Hansen, M. K., L. Kapás, and J. M. Krueger.  Blockade of cafeteria diet-induced sleep by subdiaphragmatic vagotomy in rats.  3rd International Congress of Neuroimmunomodulation, Bethesda, MD, Abstracts, p.99, 1996.

56. Kapás, L., M. K. Hansen, H.-Y. Chang, and J. M. Krueger.  Sleep responses to systemic injections of lipopolysaccharide are attenuated in vagotomized rats.  3rd International Congress of Neuroimmunomodulation, Bethesda, MD, Abstracts, p.99, 1996.

57. Floyd, R., L. Kapás, and J. M. Krueger.  Central infusion of nitric oxide decreases natural killer cell activity.  3rd International Congress of Neuroimmunomodulation, Bethesda, MD, Abstracts, p.94, 1996.

58. Krueger, J. M., L. Kapás, and S. Takahashi.  Separation of cytokine-induced fever and sleep.  10th International Symposium on the Pharmacology of Thermoregulation, Abstracts, 1996.

59. Fang, J., L. Kapás, Y. Wang, and J. M. Krueger.  The TNF 55-kD receptor and the IL1 type receptor are involved in sleep regulation. 3rd International Congress of Neuroimmunomodulation, Bethesda, MD, Abstracts, p.100, 1996.

60. Chang, H.-Y. and L. Kapás.  L-364,718, a cholecystokinin (CCK)-A receptor antagonist, inhibits the sleep-inducing effects of CCK.  Sleep Res. 26:138, 1997.

61. Kapás, L., M. K. Hansen, H.-Y. Chang, and J. M. Krueger.  The somnogenic effects of lipopolysaccharide are attenuated in vagotomized rats.  Sleep Res. 26:77, 1997.

62. Kapás, L.  Subdiaphragmatic vagotomy does not prevent the somnogenic and hypothermic effects of  cholecystokinin (CCK).  Sleep Res. 26:76, 1997.

63.  Ribeiro, A. C., J. G. Gilligan, H.-Y. Chang, and L. Kapás.  Inhibition of nitric oxide synthase suppresses sleep rebound after sleep deprivation.  Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., Vol. 23., Part 1, pp. 794, 1997.

64.  Chang, H.-Y. and L. Kapás.  The effects of leptin on sleep and brain temperature in rats. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., Vol. 23., Part 2, pp. 1846, 1997.
65.  Ribeiro, A. C., J. G. Gilligan, and L. Kapás.  Inhibition of nitric oxide synthase suppresses EEG slow-wave activity after sleep deprivation in rats Sleep 21 (Suppl. 3):47, 1998. 

66.  Alaie, M., Ribeiro, A. C., J. G. Gilligan, and L. Kapás.  Effect of sleep deprivation on nitric oxide synthase activity in different brain regions. Sleep 21 (Suppl. 3):31, 1998. 

67.  Normand, N. J. and L. Kapás.  The effect of glucagon-like peptide-1 on vigilance in rats.  Sleep 21 (Suppl. 3):31, 1998. 

68.  Porrovecchio, A. M., E. A. Magee, A. C. Ribeiro, and L. Kapás.  The effects of airborne stimuli from estrus females on the sleep of male rats.  Sleep 21 (Suppl. 3):7, 1998. 

69.  Gilligan, J. G., L. Milanes, H.-Y. Chang, A. C. Ribeiro, and L. Kapás.  Intracerebroventricular injection of cholecystokinin in rats does not elicit changes in sleep or brain temperature.  Sleep 21 (Suppl. 3):30, 1998. 

70.  Obál, F., L. Kapás, and J. M. Krueger.  Promotion of non-REM sleep by albumin in young rats.  J. Sleep. Res., 7 (Suppl. 2):189, 1998.

71.  Ribeiro, A. C., J. Gilligan, and L. Kapás.  Inhibition of nitric oxide suppresses homeostatic sleep responses to sleep deprivation in rats.  J.  Sleep Res., 7 (Suppl. 2):224, 1998.

72.  Magee, E. A., A. C. Ribeiro, and L. Kapás.  Inhibition of guanylyl cyclase increases non-rapid-eye-movement sleep (NREMS) and EEG slow-wave activity in rats.  Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., Vol. 24., Part 1, pp. 693, 1998.

73.  Ribeiro, A. C. and L. Kapás.  8-bromo-cGMP suppresses non-rapid-eye-movement sleep (NREMS) in rats.  Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., Vol. 24., Part 1, pp. 693, 1998.

74.  Shemyakin, A. and L. Kapás.  Starvation suppresses NREMS and EEG slow-wave activity in rats.  Sleep 22, Suppl. 1, S247, 1999.

75.  Magee, E. A., Ribeiro, A. C., and L. Kapás.  Inhibition of cyclic GMP formation enhances NREMS and EEG slow-wave activity in rats.  Sleep 22, Suppl. 1, S42, 1999.

76.  Ribeiro, A. C. and L. Kapás.  8-Bromo-cGMP suppresses non-rapid-eye-movement sleep (NREMS) in rats.  Sleep 22, Suppl. 1, S233, 1999.

77.  Samaniego, A., A. C. Ribeiro, and L Kapás.  The effects of "social interactions" on the sleep of male rats.  Sleep 22, Suppl. 1, S36, 1999.

78.  Ribeiro, A. C. and L. Kapás.  Nitric oxide in the preoptic region modulates sleep.  Sleep Res. Online 2 (Suppl. 1):75, 1999.

79.  Ribeiro, A. and L. Kapás.  The effects of the microinjection of SIN-1, a nitric oxide donor,  into the preoptic area on sleep in rats. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., Vol. 25., Part 2, pp. 2145, 1999.

80.  Shemyakin, A. and L. Kapás. A CCK-A receptor antagonist inhibits sleep responses to feeding in rats.  Sleep 23, Suppl. 2, A121, 2000.

81.  Ribeiro, A.  C. and L. Kapás. The effect of a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor on sleep:  importance of time of administration.  Sleep 23, Suppl. 2, A145, 2000.

82.  Gottsegen, C., A. C. Ribeiro, and L. Kapás.  The effects of insulin on sleep in rats.  Sleep 23, Suppl. 2, A94, 2000.

83.  Ebe, E., C. L. Frank and L. Kapás.  The effects of linoleic acid-rich diet on sleep in rats.  Sleep 23, Suppl. 2, A138, 2000.

84.  Shemyakin, A. and L. Kapás.  L-364,718, a CCK-A receptor antagonist, suppresses sleep responses to feeding in rats.  J. Sleep Res. 9, Suppl. 1, P175, 2000.