DPE Calendar Fall 2001
Date and Time                        Event                                                           Location

September 1 - 12:00pm            Welcome Back Picnic/First General                   Georgetown Park
September 16 - 7:30pm            Second General Meeting*                                Fraternity House
September 18 - 7-9:00pm         Open House for Prospective Pledges                Fraternity House
September 30 - 7:30pm            Third General Meeting*                                   ICC 101

October                                 Raffle Tabling/Fundraising for UNISEF              Red Square
October 14 - 7:30                    Fourth General Meeting*                                 ICC 101
October 16th -6:30pm           Former Ambassador and Dean of the            Copley Formal
                                            School of the Foreign Serivce, Robert L. 
                                            Gallucci, discusses “Re-Assessing the
                                            Threats to National Security.”*

October 28 -7:30                     DPE General Meeting*                                     ICC 101
October 31 -9pm-12:00am       Annual DPE Halloween Party                            TBA

November 5 - 6:00pm            Assistant Secretary of State, Earl A.             ICC 115    
                                              Wayne discusses "Economics in US 
                                              Foreign Policy"*     

November 16-17                     Fall 2001 Pledge Initiation*                                Frat House
November 26-7                       Caroling/Holiday Benefit                                   TBA

Dec. 2 - 7:30                           Last General Meeting*                                     TBA

* Mandatory Sorority Events

DPE Calendar Spring 2002

January 13                             DPE First General Meeting/Ice Skating               TBA
January 14                             Career Center Seminar                                      Career Center
January 19                             Community Service Event                                 TBA
January 27 - 7:30pm               Second General Meeting*                                  TBA

February 1                             VIP Clubbing Night                                          TBA
February 10 - 7:30pm              Third General Meeting*                                    TBA
February 12                            DPE Annual Mardi Gras Party                           TBA
February 14                            Single Sister Night Out                                     TBA
February 24 - 7:30pm              Fourth General Meeting*                                   TBA

March 11                               Fifth General Meeting*                                      TBA
March 17                               St. Patrick's Day Party                                      TBA
March 18-22                          Women's Week Speakers and Benefit*                 TBA
March 23                               Habitat 4 Humanity Build                                    TBA
March 24 -7:30pm                  Sixth General Meeting*                                      TBA
March 25                               Field Trip                                                         TBA

April 6                                   BBQ - Frat/Sorority Olympics                             TBA
April 7 - 7:30pm                     Seventh General Meeting*                                   TBA
April 12-3                              Founders Day Weekend/Initiation*                       TBA
April 21 - 7:30pm                   Eighth General Meeting*                                      TBA
April 26                                 Mai Tai Party                                                     TBA
April 28                                 Board Transition Meeting                                     TBA
April 30 - 6:00pm                   DPE Potluck*                                                     TBA

* Mandatory Sorority Events
** This calendar does not include speaker events.  They will be posted as they are confirmed with our speakers.

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