Alvina Chan

Pledge Line: Hypatia

Any positions in the sorority you have or do hold: Chair of Recruitment, Vice-President

School in Georgetown you attend or did attend:SFS

Year in school or graduation year: 2002

Major and minors/subfields: International Political Economy

Why you joined or are still in the sorority: I would like to take this opportunity to promote awareness on international affairs.  And of course, to bond with my sisters

Extracurricular Activities in Georgetown: IRC, USG for NAIMUN XXXVIII
Any activities outside of Georgetown: N/A
Places and dates you have worked/interned and your position:
1) Teaching Assistant for Macroeconomics
2) Intern, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
Study abroad or traveling experiences: Beijing, Bangkok, Belgium, South Korea, Hawaii, France (Paris, Lyon), London, Toronto, Tokyo
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