Sabine Calle   

Pledge Line: Antigone

Any positions in the sorority you have or do hold: Loyal Sister of DPE

School in Georgetown you attend or did attend:SFS

Year in school or graduation year:2003

Major and minors/subfields:International Politics, subfield, International Security

Why you joined or are still in the sorority: I felt the need to join an organization filled with women of honor and integrity.

Extracurricular Activities in Georgetown: Prefect of the Sodality of Our Lady Immaculte, member of the International Relations Club, Member of Respect Life, Associate Editor of the Academy, and Editor-in-Chief of The Guide.

Any activities outside of Georgetown:Explorer of the Unknown Metro Stops

Study abroad or traveling experiences (just places if you wish):I have visited, Colombia, Spain, Italy, Austria, Germany, Lichenstein, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Mexico.
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