Kelly Karsner

Pledge Line:  Hypatia

Any positions in the sorority you have or do hold: Pledge Mom, Fall 2000

School in Georgetown you attend or did attend:  SFS

Year in school or graduation year:  Senior, Class of '01

Major and minors/subfields: Science and Technology in International
Affairs, Concentration in Business, Information, and Communications

Extracurricular Activities in Georgetown:  writer for The Hoya,
Treasurer of Special Events Commitee, Academic Council, (98-99) not a
full fledged IRC cult member, but I do the NAIMUN conference every year.

Places and dates you have worked/interned and your position:
Intern in Home Office of Congressman Barney Frank, Summer 1998
Capitol Hill Office of Congressman Barney Frank, Fall 1998
Media Intern, Conservation International, Summer 1999
Intern, Hickman Brown Public Research firm, Spring 2000
Defense Team Intern, Booz-Allen & Hamilton, Summer 2000

Study abroad or traveling experiences:
Random Family Trips to Montreal, throughout my childhood.
Week in Barcelona, August 1995.
Week in Nassau, Bahamas, August 1997.
Georgetown Study Abroad program in ITESM, Monterrey, Mexico, Fall 1999
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