Sue Kim

Pledge Line:  Hypatia

Any positions in the sorority you have or do hold: ex-President

School in Georgetown you attend or did attend: SFS

Year in school or graduation year:  Senior, may 2001

Major and minors/subfields:  Comparative Studies: Middle East & Asia

Why you joined or are still in the sorority:  I though it was a great idea that motivated and potentially successful women with similar interests should gather and help each other.

Extracurricular Activities in Georgetown: Ballroom dancing, IRC (not much though), KSA (Korean Students Association

Places and dates you have worked/interned and your position:  Canadian Embassy in China, Political Economic section Spring 1998
Woodrow Wilson Center 1998-1999 & Fall 1999.  
Capital Comm.- Tour Director, Summer 1998
Council of Women World Leaders (project Intern) summer

Study abroad or traveling experiences (just places if you wish):  Princeton in Beijing program in the summer of 1997.  BU program for spring 1997. Traveled in Beijing and other cities in mainland, and HK.
American University in Cairo- Spring 2000.  Traveled to Israel and Jordan.
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