Nicole Rawling

Pledge Line: Hypatia

Any positions in the sorority you have or do hold: 99-00 Events Chair, 00-01 President

School in Georgetown you attend or did attend: SFS
Year in school or graduation year: '01

Major and minors/subfields: Majors: International Politics and Philosophy; Concentration: International Law, Institutions, and Ethics

Why you joined or are still in the sorority: I joined the sorority because I wanted to meet and share experiences with women from all over the world. Although there are many people from different backgrounds in my classes, I rarely have the opportunity to get to know them more personally. I have remained in the sorority because I really like everyone and admire the determination and creativity that we all have!

Extracurricular Activities in Georgetown: Club Lacrosse, Intramural Football, Intramural Soccer, DC Schools

Places and dates you have worked/interned and your position:

Study abroad or traveling experiences (just places if you wish): I lived in Munich, Germany for four years; travelled all over Europe while there, especially Italy; I worked in Bonn for the summer after my freshman year; my Uncle and Aunt live in the Cayman Islands and I have been going there since I was about four; I have been to Costa Rica once and loved it; and my parents are retiring on Eluthera in the Bahamas so I travel there quite a lot as well. I have never been to Africa or Asia and would love to tour both of them some day!
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