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Manga(japanese black and white comics) is one of the best forms of anime. They can extend a series, add more more detail, or be a whole new story line. I love manga! ^_^'


This will be the other stuff not (directly) related to anime.

My Profile

Name: Justin
D.O.B.: 11/01/82
Location: VA, USA
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'10 (I think)
Intrests: anime, manga, comics, Zeon, Battle Royale, mountain biking, the beach, movies, anime clubs, hanging out with friends, Buffy, Angel, X-files, SG1, Invader Zim, JTHM/Squee, cartoons, video games, PC games, Japanese movies, J-pop, computers, RPGs, Domo-kun, Japanese snack food, fangirls, and anything Sci-fi or Fantasy related.
Visit my Live Journal to see what I am up to. My live Journal

Real Babe Gallery:

Real Babe Gallery
This is part of my old page so I did not want it to go to waste. I am a guy. heh heh ^_^'

Video Game Stuff:

Will be up soon...