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New Player Guide

"Help! What do I do?"

Sound familiar? We know that getting started at the Forest of Shadows can be confusing. Although the guidelines and rules are already as simple as I can make them, there's still a lot to sort through! We, the members and "staff" of the Forest, would like to help you get the hang of things quickly and painlessly.

The following list includes headings that may be all you need to get started. However, there is extra information in each section to help you figure things out and point you towards things you might otherwise miss. (I figured that since the point was supposed to be to walk you through the Forest, I'd might as well do a thorough job of it!) At any point, you can scream for help in one of the forums and we'll come rushing to your assistance.

~A Message For Experienced Roleplayers~

* Getting Starting at the Forest:

  • 1- Post in the Welcome forum.

    When you post, our members will greet you and answer any questions you have. You might even be offered cookies! cookies

    SAW.com Are you new to online message boards, or ezboard specifically? SAW.com has a wonderful tutorial to help you get started. Try there first if you need help using your account or ezboard.

  • 2- Follow our rules and guidelines.

    Basically, be nice, don't spam, and we'll get along.

    Some highlights:

    • Be respectful and consider this a PG board. (No profanity or inappropriate content.)
    • Only advertise in the Adverting Forum.
    • Signatures and personal images should comply with the signature guidelines. (We'll let you know if yours doesn't.)

  • 3- Read about the the RPG system.

  • 4- Read and follow the character creation guidelines.

    The steps:

    • 1. Read the character creation guidelines and follow them.
    • 2. Try to avoid common mistakes and misunderstandings.
    • 3. Ask questions about anything you do not understand.
    • 4. Submit your character (see details below).
    • 5. Wait for a response. A storyteller will either accept your character or let you know what needs to be changed.
    • 6. Make all of those changes or answer any questions that come up. Ask for clarification if necessary.
    • 7. Enjoy your new character!

  • 5- Pick a starting profession.

    Things to note:

    • You need to pick a specific profession from the list of starting professions. If you want to use something else, let us know, and it might be available at a later date.
    • All of the starting professions are upgradable after the character's first adventure. There will be lots of room for leeway at that point.

  • 6- Post your character in the New Characters forum.

    To make our job easier, it please make the subject line of your post your character's name. Thanks!

  • 7- Join in discussions while waiting for your adventure to begin!

    We routinely have a lot of fun in the General Discussion forum. Regular features such as the Random Question Game and Weekly Pointless Polls are particularly popular, but we discuss all sorts of things--usually while eating virtual snickerdoodles. You can also jump right into the Land of Dreams. (There's also a longer explaination of the uses of each forum.)

    Would you like to learn more about the world of the Forest of Shadows? Here's some of what's currently available:

Some brief advice before you begin:

  • Don't forget to check out the examples of our RPG system! There's no better way to avoid a lot of simple mistakes. (We really don't roleplay in first person!)
  • Treat players, storytellers, and the game respectfully, but don't take it too seriously. We laugh a lot! :)

~A Message For Experienced Roleplayers~

Do you still have questions? That's why we have a FAQ!
Frequently Asked Questions

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All material on this site (unless otherwise labeled) © 2001-2003 Salli Canaliya, SarahStar, and/or the folks at the Forest of Shadows. Don't steal. If you want to use anything, ask.

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