
This is the part of the site where we, as a band, get to share our thoughts and feelings with you guys. We're gonna try to get a devotional or at least a deep thought up here for you guys to ponder. We're gonna try and get the entire band in on it, but you know how lazy we can be sometimes. On a serious note, if you ever need to talk to someone about anything, feel free to get in contact with us at Forgetting Tomorrow . We are always willing to help, even if we can't give you the answer you're looking for.

Brokeness  July 9

This is kind of like a follow up to last week's devotional. Once we've found the sin or sins in our lives, how do we turn away from them? I think the key is to be completely broken before God. When we allow ourselves to come before God, completely humbled and ask God to break us, He'll do it. Some Christians think that just going to church every Sunday or attending every youth meeting will give us all the satisfaction we need. That's not true. If you want to overcome this sin in your life that is constantly plaguing you, then get real with yourself. Empowered, one of our songs, talks about coming to God flat on your face, laying broken before God. Then, and only then I believe, will you truly feel empowered by God. When you ask God to break you and then allow him to do it, watch out! Because, then there is nothing that can stop you. We will still sin. It's our nature. But if you continually ask for God to break you and die to yourself each day, you'll find yourself indulging in that major sin in your life less. If you want to read a book about a guy who really identifies with this struggle, read the entire chapter of Romans 7. It is fantastic. If you want to read more about brokeness, read the book of Job. It's pretty short and hopefully you can identify with it. I pray this has helped someone. Peace,

Why Do I Do This?June 29  

Everyone has something in their lives that they are ashamed of. It's a sin that we can't seem to quit commiting. I am not to be excluded from this because I have one too. I for one have tried to give it to God and turn away from it completely, but have gone back to it in the end. I always feel really guilty and unworthy. How could God still love me after that? How can He forgive me? The truth is, if we come to Him, sincerely sorry for the sin we committed and ask His forgiveness, he'll give it. We, as Christians, are called to be "Christ-like". We should be as much like Christ as we can. Christ was perfect, we are not. There is no way we will ever be. So don't beat yourself up over it. But, just because we cannot be perfect, that doesn't mean we should indulge in our sinful natures. We should daily try to live more like Christ. Even though we sin, God still loves us. He wants us to come to Him for forgiveness and compassion. Don't EVER think God can't love me because of this or that. He sent Jesus to die for US. That's how much He loves you. As for the sin in our lives that continues to plauge us, always pray for strength and discernment to overcome it. If you truly try and give it to God each day, I think you'll see a difference. Here's a verse that I always found helpfull, 1 Corinthians 10: 13. Look it up and read it. I'll give you the jist of it. It says that all temptations are common to all people. It says God will never let you be tempted past what you can bear. Also, if you are tempted, God will always give you a way out. So next time that sin in your life is tempting you, remember, God will give you a way out, so stay strong. Until next time, stay cool.

We Need Church  November 3, 2003

A lot of people don't think church is important anymore. I had taken it for granted lately. School had been really stressful and other things had kept me from attending my youth group pretty much the entire month of October. I didn't think it was a big deal, because I had gone to Church all my life, missing very few Sundays. I didn't think it was affecting me. I wanted to be there, don't get me wrong. I just couldn't due to circumstances outside of my control. Anyway, yesterday I made it a point to go to church Sunday morning and night. It was amazing. I realized that i had been really depressed lately and Church filled the void in my heart. I had missed it, but had no idea what kind of impact not going had on my life. When i went to Church that night...i was amazed at the big welcome i recieved when i got there. The lesson was great. It was, more than the lesson, the fellowship with my Christian brothers and sisters that made the biggest difference. I love you guys. I had been feeling burned out on everything lately and Church just brought me back to life. So those of you who feel weary, and burned out, i challenge you to find a church, or a youth group of friends that you can hang out with to make you feel good. It makes a world of difference in your life. Believe me. Derek Jacks, you rock man...

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