
Conceited much? Goodness.

I wasn't even going to buy this album until I heard the second single. However, I downloaded some songs and decided that it was worth my $12.99. So, yes. NSYNC's third release is good.

Pop: I have issues with this song. I never liked it, from the first time I heard it on TRL to this day. It's just annoying to me. I think it's great that Justin and Wade [more on him later] wrote this, but I don't like it. The song makes the guys song conceited and the beat is to... There. At times this song has given me a headache. I don't like songs that give me headaches. And the beatboxing sucks. Oh Lord. The fact that the put it on the cd pisses me off and gives me yet another reason to skip this one.

Celebrity: I hate the chanting. Did you know that the other guys really don't sing in this song? Because the cd booklet has told me that the chanting [ie: the chorus] is done by Wade, Justin, and someone else. So. Yes. Unfairness to the others once again! However, the verses of this song are quite catchy and quite enjoyable. I like it. I mean, the song isn't my favorite on the album or anything, but it doesn't suck. It's kinda inbetween. If it's possible for me to listen to this song without the chorus, I would enjoy is so much more. And I guess it has a good message. ::shrug:: Oh! I hate with a passion how they say "If I didn't have cheese like everyday." It irks me. Ebonics don't sound right coming from NSYNC. No.

The Game Is Over: Digital sound effects at the beginning = a bad sign. And usually hearing something like that for the first 10 seconds makes me skip the song completely. However, I continued to listen and liked what I heard. The fact that JC was inspired to write this after watching the movie Traun is unforgivable. He won't live that down! I like the message and what not of the song; it's so fun to groove to! I guess there's nothing else to say except that I like this song because it's funny and fun. Yes.

Girlfriend: Oh, God. Make the sucking stop! Anyone ever see that episode of SNL where they had the cartoon with BSB and how they had "to suck to save the world!"? If they were to redo that cartoon with NSYNC, this song would be the song they'd sing. Haha. I know one person who kind of likes this song. Everyone else thinks it sucks ass. Justin's trying to be all R&B, but he has failed to notice that he's still white. It doesn't work. And it's not as bad because my cd player has the wonderful button that allows me to program my cd to skip this song, however the dumbasses are releasing this piece of crap as a single. Ahhh! Why do they do this to me? Why do they release sucky singles?

The Two Of Us: Yes! Finally! JC, oh how I heart thee. This song is great. Really, it is. What about it is so great? That I have yet to figure out children. Maybe it's the mellow beat, maybe it's the fact that JC finally wrote a song that makes sense, maybe it's because of the awesomely cute dance moves they do when this is performed, or maybe it's because I enjoy busting a move to this song. I dunno. But I love it. "Waiting for your call, cause tonight we're gonna do it all, girl it's just the two of us..." See? So cute! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go push repeat to hear this song again. Go JC go!

Gone: Also known as Justin's Solo. I mean, Nick had one on Millenium, so whatever. However, BSB did not release that song. And NSYNC released this. And this song crossed over to the R&B stations. And BET. One of the hip hop stations here refers to NSYNC as WB. WB = White Boys. Ahahaha! Yes. I do like the song, the radio just plays it too much. Parts that annoy me occur when Justin whines and what not. I usually try to run to the volume to turn that part down. It's quite funny to watch me try to do it. Ahem. Sorry, a little off topic there. Um, I like the song and all and just... That is all.

Tell Me, Tell Me... Baby: Whee! I love it! This was actually the song that convinced me to buy the album. Although, don't you think it sounds like a mix between Get Another Boyfriend and Not For Me? I mean, it's like the same song. I then realized that GAB and this song were both written by Max Martin and Rami. And boy, does that explain a lot of things! The recycled Swedish pop is good and guarantees a hit. So, it is with that that I hope NSYNC releases this song. After Girlfriend, it's the only thing that would make me forgive them. This is my favorite uptempo on the album. Swedish pop rocks!

Up Against The Wall: At first I thought this song was a piece of shit. I didn't understand it and thought it was just weird. But I'm a very fickle person and soon changed my mind. I think it was seeing it performed live that did it to me. So now I like it and can talk about how much it rocks. JC wrote this. Double score for him. His writing has totally improved from NSA. [I don't need to bring up Space Cowboy now, do I?] If I had to summarize this song in 3 words, they'd be: bump and grind. Yes. Something that bothers me is the disco ball verse that goes something like "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the cutest girl of all? She's underneath the disco ball, the disco ball? The disco ball." That's just weird with the incorporating of Disney movies and all. And this is too long. I'm done now.

See Right Through You: Another score for NSYNC! I think Justin wrote this one. I have a question. Is it just me or does Justin say "Tell me what kind of girl would wanna play me, hold me down and try to rape me..."? I mean, whoa. I doubt he's saying that, but it sure sounds like it to me. Hmmmm. I don't know what else to say. This song is good and I like to dance to it. It sounds a little bit different than the others and that makes me happy. There.

Selfish: Yay! Pretty ballad also written by JC! This is my ballad of choice. The lines about "You can call me selfish, but all I want is your love..." remind me of It Makes Me Ill. The chorus to that was similar, was it not? Maybe they were running outta ideas with this one or something. I dunno. I think the song is pretty and it gets stuck in my head a lot. I find myself singing this one in my head in school a little too often. But it's pretty so it's okay.

Just Don't Tell Me That: More dancing uptempo fun! My jazz dance goes to this song perfectly. Incase you care. I still think they should pronounce "me" correctly instead of always saying "may," but whatever. I think I can deal. This is also Swedish pop... I think. And you know, this song is quite angry like the other uptempos on this album. Which brings me to another point, in order for an uptempo to be good, does it have to be angry? I think so. Hmmm. But, yes. I really like this song also and score one more for the Swedish pop!

Something Like You: Pretty. Very pretty. You know how every album has a wedding song? This is it. I can imagine this being played as some newlywed's first dance because it just fits. I don't know who wrote this [JC?], but props to whoever did. Nothing else to say, it's just pretty.

Do Your Thing: This one is kinda weird. I don't really like it. Although when I program my cd player [see above], I don't skip this one. Just the beat and random singing of words is strange. Can you imagine the amount of concert signs this song will inspire? "JC, do your thing!" and ect. I find it funny. The song just doesn't fit with the rest. Eh.

If I wasn't a celebrity, would you be so into me?