What was MTV thinking?

*What was up with these girls? Were they all high?
*And how did MTV find and pick them?
*And even though we did get stuck with them, did we really need to see them in the hot tub or running down the street naked? No, we didn't. I felt like I was watching a freaking porno.
*I would just like to say that that one girl has major issues. "I love Chris. He is so cute." Excuse me while I vomit.
*Oh how exciting, you're gonna get a chance to win a date!
*The other two girls love Justin. Now that's something new!
*Did you notice that everytime MTV does something on NSYNC and their fans that there's always 3 girls over 20, who drive around in their car singing Tearin' Up My Heart? It's true.
*I feel sorry for the camera man. Poor guy.
*Hey everyone, Justin's a big fine woman when he backs his thing up. Justin, we don't need to see you shake your ass for the camera while singing that. Thankyaverymuch.
*Lance was funny. "Everyone loves Justin. Cause he's... Justin." Haha. Poor Lance.
*What was Lance saying when he said "Turn off the camera cause..." I didn't catch the last part of it.
*They can't snowboard worth a damn.
*Joey kept falling. Haha.
*Oh my God, call the press! Joey said "hell! Oh no!
*I noticed that they never showed Justin fall, but they showed everyone else constantly on their ass. I wonder why that is...
*JC is dumb: "It won't hurt if we fall cause there's snow underneath us." You stupid freak, yes, it will. ::Shakes head::
*The sound check was funny. Everyone else was doing the dance moves, and actually singing but Justin was like whining into the mic and barely moving his hands. I laughed.

Overall, It was kinda pointless to have those girls, they did like the same thing with 'All Access'. It was funny to see NSYNC though, cause they suck at snowboarding and everything. Muah.

Baby I don't understand... Just why we can't be lovers.