the forkfail times - front page

forkfail times news


It seems that my professional life is taking me to Seattle. So, for the next month or so, I will be fairly busy moving, settling into a new job and a new city.

Therefore, don’t expect a lot of new material here for the next few weeks. However, once I do get settled in, I’ll be writing again, and have a lot of plans for the evolution of this website.

So, keep checking back. Once I get settled in, great things will be happening, including a dedicated server for this site. This will allow me to add features for reader feedback and other interactive content.

In the meantime, if you haven't already, check out what is becoming my anthem column: Four More Years: A Liberal Call to Arms.


New column up: Protest in Portland: A Narrative Account.


New column up: Four More Years: A Liberal Call to Arms.


New column up: Where Does the Buck Stop?.

Layout change! From now on, each column will have its own page, and the monthly page will have summaries. New page added starting today - October/November 2004.

New column up: Say What, Too?. Much like Say What? from a few days ago - but with some new additions. Plus, a test case for the new layout.


New column up: No Blame, No foul?

New column up: Say What?


New column up: Iraq: The Money Pit


New column up: The Guilt of a Nation: The War Crimes Continue


New column up: Ann Coulter Partisans Demand “Death to Al Pieda!”

New column up: The Weekly Update on History Rewritten

Great new site discovered: Wolfpacks for


New column up: There They Go Again: Those Double-Plus-Plus-Ungood Liberals are Undermining America


New column up: Pax Americana: The Subtext in the Simple Statements of George W. Bush.


New column up: American Medicine: A Prescription for Crisis

Chapter Listing:


Almost finished with a massive article concerning the health care crisis in America. Till then, here is a link worth checking out: Bush's Big Joke


New column up: Just When You Thought It Couldn’t Get Dirtier.

New column up: Simplicity.


New stuff on humor page.


New column up: Our Busy Beavers in the Congress. Also posted some information on the transitory nature of reference links on the columns index page .


New column up: Round Two: Temper and Delusion


Got the look and feel of the site whipped into shape, no more pages under construction. Not that a site is ever done....


New column up: Lies, Damned Lies, and Iraq.

New column up: Ashcroft, Bush, et al. v The Constitution: Assault on the Judiciary.


Well, we’re open for business. Thanks for dropping by!

At this point, the forkfail columns from September, 2004 and October, 2004 have been placed on their appropriate pages. The Links and Essay pages still need to be flushed out – but that will happen with time.

Copyright © 2004 by Erik L. Johnson.  All Rights reserved.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

This site is not with affiliated with or supported by any political party or other organization.