for communism




for communism is a project for the development and circulation of communist theory with the aim of being one part of the discussion among militant workers and others about a revolutionary strategy.

for communism represent nobody but itself, and is only one among many voices within the working class. This project is not about education, but about our modest participation to the doing away with ideological and practical obstacles in the class struggle. However, the main means for this, of course, are the independent and real struggles of the working class.

For the emancipation of the working class – the abolishing of itself as a class -, and with this the emancipation of man, we need no self-proclamied leadership in the form of mediating Parties or Unions. For our liberation we need to organise adequately according to the practical needs of the struggle and trust our own collective capabilities; organisation and trust that is created in and as a result of struggle. Communism is the real movement that abolish the capitalist present conditions.

What we need today is to struggle together, as one part of the working class, with our class mates as equals. Everything that strengthen the self-activity and self-confidence, that strengthen the workers as a class must be encouraged and supported. Everything that impedes the same, that increase the passivity and faith in authorities in State, Unions and Parties must always be opposed.

Every step for the real movement is more important than a dozen programmes. Karl Marx, 1875

Communism is not a doctrine but a movement springing from facts rather than principles. ... In so far as communism is a theory, it is the theoretical expression of the situation of the proletariat in its struggle and the theoretical summary of the conditions of the liberation of the proletariat. Friedrich Engels, 1847




Some Thoughts on Organization, H. Simon, 2001 [pdf] [html] [English]

The New Movement, H. Simon, 2002 [pdf] [html] [English]

No War but the Class War, leaflet, 2003 [html] [pdf] [English]

A Revolutonary Optimist , M. Glaberman, 2003 [pdf] [html] [English]

Communism in France: Socialisme ou Barbarie, ICO and Echanges, H. Simon, 1998 [html] [pdf] [english]

for communism #2 (2004), On K-H Roth The "Other" Workers' Movement, P. Mattick, 1976 [html] [pdf]


We have also translated some stuff by French Gilles Dauvé, texts such as: Critique of the Situationist International, The Renegate Kautsky and his Disciple Lenin, State and Capital (from Le Mouvement Communisme). We have also started translating Karl Korsch's 'Karl Marx' from 1938 and published the so far translated chapters on our Swedish section.




riff-raff – communism and class struggle theory [riff-raff]

motarbetaren (the "Co-ounter Worker")a socialist workplace paper [motarbetaren][English pdf]


for communism [e-mail]