
1. Animated Banner 450 x 40 that includes the words GIF Animation. 


2. Definition for "GIF" Animation (Include a link to the web site for the online dictionary http://m-w.com or http://computeruser.com/ 


Graphics Interchange Format. A format used for displaying bitmap images on World Wide Web pages, usually called a "gif" because .gif is the filename extension. These files use lossless compression and can have 256 colors. JPEG and GIF are commonly used for images on the Web; JPEG is considered best for photos and GIF for other graphic images.

Main Entry: an·i·ma·tion
Pronunciation: "a-n&-'mA-sh&n
Function: noun
Date: 1597
1 : the act of animating : the state of being animate or animated
2 a : a motion picture made by photographing successive positions of inanimate objects (as puppets or mechanical parts) b : ANIMATED CARTOON 1
3 : the preparation of animated cartoons


3. My Examples of GIF Animation 

3A) TeamCIA class slogan: This animation will present the classroom slogan, "What do you want to learn today?" TeamCIA. You must include at least one image transition. The animation must hyperlink to http://TeamCIA.com The frame delay speed must be adjusted to allow for the slogan to be read. The animation will be 150 x 50 pixels. 

3B) Motivational Quote Animation: This animation will be a positive and motivational quote by a known author. Images must be included to support the quote. You may place more then one word in a cell. This animation could be built with a minimum of 2 cells! Your animation will finish with the Author's name. Animation sizes to use are: 1/2 banner size 234 x 60 square 125 x 125 vertical 120 x 240 Need to find a quote? Try these links... http://dir.yahoo.com/Reference/Quotations/  

3c) Animate your Micro Button: The size was 88 x 31 pixels. The button will advertise your web site using your screen name. This button will prompt users to click the button. You must place one classmates animated micro button along with your own button on your animation page. 

3d) Animate a photograph. Using your favorite car, you will create an animated advertisement for the car manufacture. The animation must include words or a slogan from the auto manufacturer. The size of this animation will be 250 x 125 pixels 

4. Writing: Included in the writing will be the various settings, frame delays, numbers of cells, types of image transitions and various settings used to create the above animations. Explain how you made the animations. 







5. Skills for Animation List 9 specific skills learned 


6. Online Resources: Hyperlink to JASC.com makers of Animation shop, Hyperlink to the Animated GIF Artist Guild 


7. Online Tutorials Hyperlink to 3 GIF animation tutorials for Animation Shop 3. Look on the Jasc.com web site. 






8. Careers List 2 jobs that could use GIF animation