Living Quarters at Fort Adams

Fort Adams was designed to have the soldiers stationed there live in the casemates of the fort. Officers were to live along the east wall and enlisted men along the southeast and southwest walls.

All accounts state that the casemate quarters were cold and damp and were thus unhealthy. It took, however, many years to aleviate the situation.

Living Quarters

Quarters One, Circa late 1800's.

In 1875 the Army built a new commanding officers quarters. It was located just south of the redoubt and had fourteen rooms. Its official name was Quarters One but is today better known as the Eisenhower House after President Eisenhower who stayed there while vacationing in Newport in 1959 and 1960. Today it serves as a function center and as headquarters for the Fort Adams Trust.

Officer's Row circa 1890.

Other officers quarters soon followed and by 1885 there was a whole row of handsome houses for the fort's officers. These quarters, with the exception of Quarters One, are now occupied by senior officers stationed at the Naval War College.

As the new century approached attention was tuned to improving the living conditions of the soldiers at the fort. Prior to this time most soldiers were quartered in the casemates along the fort's southeast and southwest walls. By all accounts these quarters were damp and unhealthy - especially in the winter months. It was decieded to build new barracks on top of the walls which would house the soldiers and the quarters in the casemates were converted into latrines, messhalls, kitchens and offices.

A number of other improvements were made to the fort about this time. The bakery was moved from the southeast demibastion of the main fort to its own building north of the east gate. The fort's jail (or "guardhouse" in Army parlance") was moved from the old and small redoubt near the east gate to its own building just south of the bakery.

The west wall - no longer mounting cannon after 1904 - was converted to a number of uses. The upper casemate tier served as the enlisted mens club and post exchange while the lower level contianed a boiler room, an indoor range for .22 caliber rifles and a bowling alley where boys living at the fort were employed as pin setters at two cents a string.

Southeast Barracks, Constructed circa 1900.

The barracks on the southeast wall were completed around 1900 and those on top of the southwest wall around 1907. This coincided with the removal of the last remaining guns from the main body of the fort when the more modern Endicott period batteries were installed. From then on the main body of the fort (commonly called the "quadrangle" - although it had five, not four, sides) would serve as the primary quartering area for the enlisted soldiers stationed at the fort.

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