Final Fantasy X
Check out their new system for showing progress. It looks very similar to FFVIIIs'
I am thrilled that they are making this game and I can't wait till it comes out in Spring of 2002. OH there is a little secret that I should let everyone know, on the DVD of "Final Fantasy Spirits within" there is a Final Fantasy X demo. I know that the movie hasn't even come out yet but I got information from PSM that it will be on there.  This game is supposed to be the best in graphics (DUH!!! PS2) and have some very new things like the ATB is going to be gone cause the creator never really liked it to begin with. instead it will be more similar to the original FF. except not like the game itself just the battling. and there is to be part of the game played underwater.
And when I meant underwater, I meant UNDER WATER. This is a pic of Tidus the games hero playing the sport Blitzball. B-Ball is a cross between soccer and baseball. and what looks like a little bit of rugbee. 
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