

Survey/Test Generator and Grader


If someone brought you to the point where violence became neccessary, what item do you see yourself most likely using as a weapon?
A sword. Schawiiiiing!!
A sports ball.
Something that would go BOOM!
I'd never want to hit people; I don't want to consider violence as an option.
Your favorite plush.
Something long and sharp.
Anything you could get your hands on.
I'd sick my dog on him.

Do you like to brag about your accomplishments, and who you are?
Maybe a little...
Sometimes, but really only to my friends, ya know...not too seriously?
No, despite what others accuse me of, I let my own accomplishments speak for themselves .
Of course not. People just need to have eyes, ta' be jealous of me! XD
...I have the pride of what I do for myself. I need nothing more.
Not really.
I'm better than everyone, so I wouldn't call it bragging. More like..."education".

How do you feel about sports?
Woo yeah! I love to watch them, play them, and most of all, win them!
I do my best at sports, and help others to do their best too!
Sports = men being stupid.
No thanks! I'll just watch.
Sports = recreation. Something I don't have time for.
I don't really like sports, but I'll watch them with a friend, or so that others *think* I enjoy them.

Your hair is:
Very plain, the way I like it.
Its a little short, a little long, and usually requires some hair gel (here and there). Some people may consider it a little excessive...but you like it just fine!
It defies gravity....and more. Infact, one even wonde3rs if that *is* even hair on your head!
A little spikey, a little short. Nothing big.
Braids, tails, barettes, and more! It gives people the impression that you spend hours and/or lots of money on it.
Bleached!!! XD ....eer, *natural* with *natural* highlights.
Just pulled up so its out of the way.
Its a little messy, but it will do.

You see yourself as being:
Calm, aware of what's going on.
You try to be calm, but when thigns get out of hand you can't help but become a worry-wort.
Sometimes a little cold-hearted since you always like to say the blunt truth, even to those you care about.
A little biased, and short-sighted, but overall you're fun to be with and a good friend.
You're da' bomb! That is, err, you love to be around people, and are quite friendly even to those you don't know.
Perfect in every way.
Very quiet and reserved, but when push comes to shove... mrrraaah!!!
You can be a little sensitive when something hits close to home...but all in all I'm outgoing, friendly, and helpful!
You're pretty much...better than everyone.

When you're not busy you're most likely:
Playing a sport or video-game with friends.
Attending to personal affairs.
Studying, or reading for pleasure.
You've devoted all your time to one cause. You dont have time to goof off.
You have a wide range of hobbies.
Tinkering with stuff that may blow up and/or have the ability to fly you to Vegas. Hoo-hah!

When you get upset:
Do what needs to be done, pushing your own emotions aside.
You try to hide your feelings underneath a smile, so you don't upset those around you. You'll tell those you trust how you really feel...eventually.
You'll punch tha' guys who responsible for doing whatever it is that got you upset, but you won't involve another party.
You'll punch tha' guy who made you upset, and make sure everyone knows you're pissed off, why you're pissed off, and what needs to be done about it!
You try to keep your feelings to yourself but your face and actions clearly tell something's bugging you anyways.
You're an ace at hiding emotions: good or bad.
Deal with whatever it is on your own, as its your problem.
Dial-a-Friend, ASAP!!

Elephant rides:
Woo yeah! COOL! Elephaaaant!!!
Reminds me of when I was a kid!
Lets do it again, and again! XD
Eew, they smell bad. And their skin is so prickly. I'll pass.
Elephants are dangerous, especially for children!
If it gets me where I'm going, and does it fast, sure. But...I doubt that.
I prefer a non-living form of transportation, thanks.

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