"Dallas Cowboy Games"
More Road Trips!

updated January 29, 1999


Yes, the first half of my years, I was a devoted Redskins fan. Oh how I remember the days when my entire family would get together on Thanksgiving, eat a wonderful meal, and then settle down to watch them play on TV.
But now, after spending the other half of my life in the great southwest, yup, as in desert, I guess my brain got fried from all the sun! Then there is the fact that I gave birth to 2 texans, and when you hang out with the most devoted Dallas Cowboy fan that the world has ever know, I guess I've been reprogramed!! I now follow all the Dallas Cowboy games! I have even had the privilage of going to several games, and a scrimmage, and am now looking forward to my next Cowboy game in November, I guess I'm hooked!
So come on in and see some of my pics! Take your choice of games you would like to see!! And enjoy!!!

And, if you are a Dallas Cowboy fan, and you like my pics, please sign my guestbook!!! You can also email me!

Oh, and a special note to my family in Maryland...I hope you don't think of me as a traidor and still love me!!!! (giggle)

Dallas at Phoenix
Sept. 97
Phoenix at Dallas
Nov. 97
Dallas vs Oakland Scrimmage
Aug. 98
Dallas at Phoenix
Nov. 98

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