Chapter 12

By the time Justin returned back to the dorm, it was late. After class, the meeting with the basketball coach had taken longer than originally planned and then had turned into an impromptu scrimmage. By the time, Joey and he had left the practice arena it was dark out and when looked down at his sports watch he noticed it was nearing eleven o'clock.

He noticed that the lights were out in his and Lance's room as he walked by the front of the building on the way inside. He had hoped to talk to Lance tonight before he lost his nerve, but with everything running so late he knew he had missed this opportunity.

As he walked into the dark room, he saw Lance asleep in his bed. Usually Lance would still be up at this hour, but he had an early morning lab so he always went to bed early on Monday nights.  Science was one of Lance's favorite subjects so he always enjoyed class and getting up at six o'clock every Tuesday did not bother him.

Justin reached for a pair of fresh clothes to sleep in and walked down the hall to the shower room. Once he was showered and dressed in the new clothes, he walked back to his room. Why couldn't he just tell Lance he liked him? It shouldn't be that hard to do.

When he walked into the room, he was as quiet as he could be. He really didn't want to wake Lance. Well, he did, because then they could talk, but no, he wasn't going to wake Lance up.  Instead he lay on his bed staring at the ceiling above his bed until he fell asleep.

A few hours later, Lance picked his head up from his pillow groaning. He glanced over at his clock and saw it was only three o'clock in the morning. What the hell? Something had to wake him up at this time of the night. He turned his head towards the other side of the room and looked at Justin. He watched him for a few minutes until his eyes grew tired. Yawning, he turned back towards the wall. As he was about to fall asleep, he heard Justin call out to him.

Damn, he's talking in his sleep again. Turning back around, he looked across the room to the other bed. "Yeah, J?"

"I had something to tell you earlier, but damn Joey had to show up."

What could Justin have to tell him that he had to talk in his sleep? Justin only talked in his sleep when something was stressing him out or bothering him. What could be bothering him? Maybe he had decided that he wasn't okay with Lance being gay after all. Maybe he didn't want to be his friend anymore. "What did you want to tell me Justin? I got to get up in three hours for lab."

Justin lay silent for a few moments. Lance almost thought he had fallen back asleep and was about to do the same when Justin turned to face him with his eyes open. Was Justin awake? "You know Josh said we would make a cute couple."

Lance opened his eyes in shock. Had Josh told Justin how he felt about him? He had promised him that he wouldn't, but maybe he had. Josh was his best friend and had knew him forever. Why would he keep Lance's confidence? He had only know him a short time.

Justin yawned as he began to turn away from Lance. Lance thought that Justin was done with his night time rambling, but before Justin finished turning around he mumbled one more time, "I think he's right."

Lance sat up in bed looking over at Justin's back. Did he just say what he thought he had? Could Justin like him too? Is that what Josh had meant when he told him that Justin wouldn't mind that he liked him? Lance threw himself back on his bed. All thoughts of sleep flew from his head as his mind flew with thoughts about what Justin had said. Justin was asleep. He never remembered what he had said in his sleep, and sometimes he said some pretty weird stuff. Justin could not like him. It just wasn't possible.

Before Lance knew it, his alarm was going off, and he had to get ready for his lab. Justin and he would have to talk. He wouldn't let any more interruptions come up. Today he would find out what Justin wanted to tell him and he would make sure Justin was awake when he found out.

changes 11

changes 13