Chapter 15

Over the next month, Lance and Justin became closer. They hadn't shared more than a kisses and touches, and Lance wanted more. He had promised himself that he would once again wait for Justin to make the first move. He knew that Justin was still worried about what others would say if he told them he was gay. Justin knew his mother would throw a fit. She sends him off to college, and by Halloween he is gay. Justin was also worried about the basketball team. He loved playing basketball, and if he came out and the guys treated him differently it would hurt him.

A week before Halloween, Justin came home late from basketball practice. The second the door shut behind him, he slumped against and looked over to Lance. Sighing, he said, "Tell me again why I play basketball?"

Lance laughed. "Because you love it, and you are a damn good at it."

Justin smiled as he put down his gym bag. "I am, aren't I?"

Laughing again, Lance put down the book he was reading. "Yes, you are." Lance was enjoying the way Justin looked fresh from practice. He thought he looked all sexy when he was sweaty.

Justin walked over to where Lance was lying on the bed and sat down. "Coach worked us hard today. He had us do drills for almost two hours then a mini-scrimmage. My body feels like jello."

"Sorry, babe," Lance whispered.

"I'll be fine. Just need a good night's sleep." Justin went to stand up, but Lance reached up to stop him. Justin looked at him and grinned. "What?"

Lance motioned for Justin to lay down. "Come here."

Justin laughed. "I'm all sweaty."

Lance shrugged. "It's okay."

Justin lay his head on Lance's lap, and closed his eyes. "I'm so tired., Lance. These long practices are going to kill me." Justin felt Lance's fingers work into his curls and massage his scalp.

"You'll be fine, baby. You love playing basketball."

Justin turned so he could look up into Lance's face. "I know. It's just sometimes I wonder if it everything. I love playing it, but I don't know if I want it to be my whole life." Justin closed his eyes and sighed. "I was thinking of talking to Joey. You know about us."

Lance's fingers stilled for a moment. "Really?"

"Yeah. He is one of my best friend's on the team, and a real great guy. He knows us both, and he is friends with us both, so I think he should be cool with it, you know."

Lance lowered his head and kissed Justin softly. "Whatever you want. I'll tell him with you if you want."

Justin shook his head. "No.  I can do this on my own. I just hope he takes it well."

"He will, and if not, then we will figure out what to do then," Lance said as he leaned his forehead against Justin's.

"Yeah, it'll be okay." Justin closed his eyes thinking 'At least I hope it is.'

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