Chapter 20

Justin spent the day with Josh and Britney. As the time for the game grew closer, he got more and more nervous. Lance had decided to let the friends hang out on their own. When he finally showed up at the arena where the game was taking place, Josh looked worried.

"What's wrong, Josh?" Lance asked sitting down next to him.

"Justin is freaked out. Worried about screwing up on the court. Britney is with him right now, but he told me to tell you to find them when you got here."

Lance stood up from his seat on the bleachers. "Save us seats. I'll be right back."

Josh nodded. "I think they were outside the locker room. Brit can't go in there, so try there first."

Lance nodded running down the bleachers. It didn't take him long to find the pair.They were right where Josh said they would be. Justin was sitting down on the ground with his head on his knees. Britney stepped away from him when she saw Lance walk up.

Lance slid down to the ground, putting his hand on Justin's back. "Justin, you'll do fine."

Justin looked up. "This is so big though. I can't screw up. If I get kicked off the team, I lose my scholarship."

"You won't get kicked off the team." Lance wrapped his arm around Justin's back and pulled him close. "You will do fine, baby.

Justin lay his head on Lance's chest as Lance kissed him on the top of his head. Neither one of them noticed as Joey walked up."Hey, guys."

Justin's head shot up immediately. "Hey, Joe."

"Ready for the game, J?" Joey said walking to the locker room door.

"Yeah," Justin standing up. Brushing off his shorts, he turned towards Lance with a worried expression on his face. Lance shrugged his shoulders as he stood up and walked over to Britney.

"Go get 'em, Juju." Britney said as he walked into the locker room. "Was that Joey?"

Lance nodded. "Yeah, that's him."

"Damn." Britney said as she turned to walk back to the bleachers.

Justin followed Joey into the locker room. He wondered how much Joey had seen before talking. Had he seen Justin and Lance together?  He didn't have to wait too long to find out. As he walked past the bathroom, Joey pushed him inside. "So what was that out there?"

Justin looked up at his friend standing in front of him. "What are you talking about?"

Joey moved closer. "You and Lance. Are you two like together or something?" Justin wanted to open his mouth and deny it, but instead stood there silent. "So are you?"

"Joey, come on," Justin said finally.

"Well, that is just wonderful. Our team star is a pretty boy. Just wonderful," Joey said walking away slamming one of the lockers shut as he walked by.

Justin waited until Joey was out of sight before leaving the bathroom to go to his own locker. Unfortunately his locker was across from Joeys'. Justin avoided his friend's angry gaze as he got ready for the game.

changes 19
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