The next morning Josh woke up to the sounds and smells of food being cooked inthe kitchen. He glanced up at clock on the wall, and noticed that it was already past eleven. Sitting up, he ran his fingers through his hair. Walking into the kitchen, he smiled as he saw Lance standing over the stove frying something. Standing in the doorway, he watched Lance as he cooked. He could stand there forever, but he hated being able to look but not touch, so looked down and cleared his throat.

Lance looked up from the stove when he heard Josh clear his throat behind him. Smiling, he turned back to the stove. "Morning, Josh. Sleep well?"

"Yeah, I did.  Thanks. How about you?"

Lance looked down not wanting to look at Josh. What he wanted to say was no. He didn't sleep. He laid in bed all night thinking about the blue-eyed man laying just feet away in the next room. Thinking about how much he wanted him. how much he wanted to come out and tell him that he liked him. As much as he wanted to, Lance knew he couldn't do that, so he continued to cook their breakfast and ignoring the man now standing just inches from him.

"Your bike is at the mechanics. It'll be fixed in a couple of days. He needs to order the parts." Lance reached up and pulled two plates from the cupboard.

Josh walked over to the table and sat down. "I thought he was out of town."

"He is, but his son looked at it, and figured out the problem. He said you'll be up and running no problem."

Josh nodded his head. He couldn't find the words he wanted to say. He could see this beautiful man standing in front of him. He knew what he wanted to say. Actually more like what he wanted to do. In his mind, he could picture himself walking up to Lance turning him around, and kissing the living daylights out of him. If he had the guts, he would do just that.

"Josh?" Josh looked up to find Lance standing in front of him. He had placed a plate on the table in front of each of the chairs. "Where were you there? You seemed to be a million miles away then."

"I was." Josh picked up his fork, and took a bite of his egg.

"What were you thinking?" Lance dug into his own plate of food watching Josh. He wanted to smile at hnow nervous the other man had become since he sat down at the table.

Josh looked down at the food on his plate trying to figure out how to change the subject. If Lance only knew what he had been thinking. The images of them that had been running through his mind only moments before. Before he knew what he was saying, he mumbled, "About this guy I know."

"Yeah. What about him?" Lance took a sip of his coffee, and waited for Josh to speak.

"Nothing really. You wouldn't be interested." Josh pushed his chair back, and stood up from the table. Before he made it through the doorway, Lance was next to him touching his arm.

"Hey, Josh. You know if you need to talk I'm here. I know you don't know me real well, but I have been told I am a good listener."

Josh looked down at the hand on his arm. It felt so good for Lance to touch him, even a touch as innocent as one as this one. Lance looked down and began to blush slightly. "I have to go to the bar in a little bit. You are welcome to come hang out there with me."

Josh shrugged his shoulders. "I'll come along. Might as well. I will get bored here by myself. Just let me get changed and stuff."

Lance's smile got even brighter at Josh's words which in turn made Josh smile too. "Yeah. Well, I'll let you do that while I do these dishes."

"Okay." Josh watched as Lance went back into the kitchen and began to clear off the table. Lance was humming some small tune under his breath as he worked. When Lance realized Josh was watching him, he paused in what he was doing, and looked up making Josh quickly turn away and go towards his bag. Once again, Lance smiled as he continued to hum his tune. Maybe he should see what could happen with him and Josh. Josh was obviously interested, but something was holding him back from making a move. That would need to change and soon cause when josh's bike was fixed, the brunette would be gone.

